A blog's content is its most crucial component. Content should not be limited to articles (or text); it can also include photos (graphics, infographics), videos, and audio (podcasts).

All of these different types of content shouldn't be used at once. It can be overwhelming. As your blog grows and you get the hang of managing it, you can add new content types.

Your Content

In writing, there is no right or wrong way to do it. Some people write a journal about their day or experience, while others post how-to guides.

Blogs that deliver a variety of content types are the best. Many people read travel blogs for the information they can get about a place, while your unique voice (which adds to the branding of your blog) attracts readers.

Once you've set up your travel blog, you can plan what content to write, what places to feature, and what angles to write from. You should have at least 15 posts ready before launching. You will release content consistently as you work on your following pieces while giving readers enough to keep them reading.

Tips for optimizing content for search engines.

There is no hard and fast rule when it comes to content length and Google rankings, but in general, the longer, the better.

Despite not covering the ins and outs of proper on-page SEO in this article, here are a few quick tips for setting up content for success:

  • To organize your article (and strategically use keywords), use headings.
  • Make your titles enticing so they will share your post, but don't be clickbait (meaning, provide great content to back up your article). It would help if you also wrote titles according to how people search.
  • Use keywords in URLs.

If you're interested in a more advanced SEO study, check out or revisit Kyle's Level 1 Lesson 7 Creating Your Initial Website Content.


Instagram and Pinterest are so popular because people are visual creatures.

Your blog will be more successful if you take photos or videos that make viewers feel like they are there or want to be there. You will also use these photos to promote your blog; attractive images with catchy titles attract people to sites like Pinterest.

Don't forget to optimize your images for performance and SEO when thinking about pictures. It's not enough to upload full-resolution photos to your blog and expect them to load quickly. You'll need an optimization tool or plugin to speed things up. Please name your files something meaningful (and short), as Google uses this information when it chooses what to index for Google image search.

Here are some Photo Gallery Plugins:

Here are some Photo Gallery Plugins:

  • Modula
  • NextGEN Gallery
  • Envira Gallery
  • GMedia Photo Gallery
  • Photo Gallery by 10 Web
  • JetPack

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JeanG63 Premium
Very informative, and insightful. Takes off some of the shine often associated with travel blogging. Sounds like the info comes from one who knows....
RCanty Premium Plus
WOW Jannette, thank you for the breakdown! I pondered the thought of a 'Travel Blog' once or twice. With the information you have provided here, I can seriously consider my options.

My preference would be for a personal expression type blog. Sharing my experiences, knowledge, and creativity.

Explaining the processes and considerations are a big help too. There are some within WA that already have the experience to write tons of content; moreover, you have provided a path to travel.

Appreciate the info,
muslimah Premium
Very detailed and well-researched training.
Thank you, Jannette.
Zoopie Premium
Very interesting. I teach ESL in Vietnam and that is my niche, however I am expanding a bit to what people should see while in Vietnam. So this is helpful.