How is Page Authority Calculated by Moz?
Though the domain authority score gives a clearer and more detailed analysis of how a site performs, page authority is equally crucial when it comes to receiving search engine rankings.
As a matter of fact, the page authority of your website literally has a strong influence on your entire domain authority and also on your ranking.
A similar scoring scale used for evaluating domain authority is also used to determine page authority, which is on a 1:100 logarithmic scoring basis.
Note that you’ll continue to constantly see changes in your page authority score in as much as Moz changes its algorithm frequently.
Here are some of the most crucial ranking signals Moz uses to ascertain your page authority:
- The number of linking root domains.
- The number of trusted websites that link to the page.
- Social signals, which include the number of likes, comments, and shares. you’ve got from Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, as well as the Retweets you’ve got so far.
- The number of subdomains linking to the page.
- The number of inbound links the page has got so far.
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hmmmmm.... 19... Thanks for the training.. This really gives me some solid stuff to work on.
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Israel, this training has been beneficial. I am still learning all the in and outs of Mos. Thank you for this training!