Image quality and slight compression.

What is the difference between lossless 100% Jpeg file and a 90% (WordPress standard) and say 80% compression of the original compression?

The truth being very little difference between a Jpeg lossless image and WordPress standard 90% compression. There is also very little, ok a slight difference between Jpeg 90% and 80% compression.

Knowing this may save you extra space in your images by reducing the weight size of the images in kilobyte terms.

However, this extra step is entirely optional and not obliged. In my opinion, razor sharp images are not required for most blogs, unless of course you are running a photography or photography related blog where image sharpness is very important.

For visual reference to the differences between 100% Jpeg lossless quality to 90% jpeg and 80% Jpeg image compression from the original please visit the foto forensics website.

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mijareze Premium
Thank you.
DerekMarshal Premium
You're welcome Ed
Jim-Bo Premium
DerekMarshal Premium
big smiles
rodeves Premium
Thank you for a great tutorial.
DerekMarshal Premium
Thank you kindly sir.
RayAleksandr Premium Plus
This is great Derek, thank you. You know your other training from yesterday which was also very useful, do we need both of them? I'm a bit confused by the difference between "optimising" and "reducing the size" of images...
DerekMarshal Premium
Hi Ray,

Good question

Image optimising reducing the file size.i.e from 640kb to 200kb (as an example)

Image resizing reducing the physical size of the image from 640 x 480 to 427 x 327 (as an example)

Thanks for asking.
RayAleksandr Premium Plus
Thanks Derek,
So sounds like it's good to use both plugin (?), first you reduce the physical size of the image, inevitably reducing the file size...then reduce the size even more by "optimizing" I guess? Thanks again, I'll try it!
DerekMarshal Premium
You could get away with using just IMsanity but it's ability to compress is nowhere as near as good as short pixel.
Labman Premium Plus
Haven't used this one. I use Caesium if I do a bulk resize.
DerekMarshal Premium
Thank you kindly. I like this one because it is ultra light weight.