Remember how in the previous lesson I said you should think of a main keyword for your website? It was in order to choose an appropriate domain name for your website.

Once you decide on a main keyword, you should think of domain names containing the keyword, or make that exact keyword your domain name.

Why is domain name important?

Because it does help with SEO ( Search Engine Optimization )

For example, let's say your domain name would be:

If you would write a review of a particular kitchen oven, when the visitor would search New kitchen ovens, kitchen ovens, X brand kitchen ovens, or variations of those, chances are you'd get a better ranking with such a domain name, containing the keyword searched for.

Point is, you should choose a domain name related to your niche.

Let's say we would choose the health niche. The domain would rank better than

I'm sure you got the point, moving on..

Tasks 0/3 completed
1. Decide for a domain name, preferrably a .com
2. Check if it is available
3. Buy your domain

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Very nicely done.
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Thanks Aless its such readily information like this that makes WA so good. Particularly to a newcomer to IM like myself :-D
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