The aim of click through landing pages is to persuade and encourage visitors to click through to another desired page.
This type of landing page is most commonly used in direct sales or e-commerce sites.
Often click through landing pages offer a taster, tempter and describe a product or offer in good detail so as to get a visitor ready to make the all important purchase.
More often than not these landing pages follow from ad placements and lead to sales carts. The landing page gives much greater conversion success rates than direct ad to cart sales.
For example...
you place an ad for blue Nike ladies shoes.
A visitor is interested and clicks your ad.
They arrive at the shopping cart area and are told how to purchase.
This is the older traditional style of ad to cart conversion and in today's market is unlikely to see sales conversions. The visitor simply doesn't get provided sufficient product information to make a good decision to purchase..
Using a click through landing page as our "middle man" looks like this.
You place and ad for blue Nike ladies shoes.
A visitor is interested and clicks your ad.
They arrive on your landing page. On your landing page you have a gallery of images of these shoes, you have a detailed description of these shoes, you have pricing and you have a call to action...
Your visitor now has sufficient information to make an informed decision.
Your visitor clicks into cart and actually makes a purchase.
All too often, inbound advertising traffic is directed at shopping cart or registration pages. This leads to poor conversions as the ad doesn’t provide sufficient information for someone to make an informed decision.