Blindingly Brilliant Landing Page Tips:

To create blindingly brilliant landing pages consider:

1. Focus on your copywriting:

We are not all brilliant wordsmiths but you must take care and pay attention to the words you put on your lading page.

This is one of those times that less is more...we are not looking for 1500 words here folks...

When considering your copy make sure you are concise and well crafted (spelling, grammar) whilst also ensuring you are:

  • explicitly clear about the benefits of subscribing or clicking,
  • geared to a niche and targeted audience,
  • provide evidence of value the visitor is about to receive,
  • Get the visitor to agree that you have a be specific ...very specific about your offer
  • To get conversions get your visitor excited and wanting more

2. Headline, headline, headline...

Actually no ones really going to care about your copy and offer if your headline is as dull as dishwater.

Who wants to read anything more if they've just been subjected to the most boring headline ever one fancies the online equivalent of watching grass growing...

Your headline is the very first thing your potential prospect sees.

It’s your one chance, and likely your only chance, to give big upfront communication and inform in a few words what you’re page and product is all about.

Create curiosity and reel them in!

3. Clarity converts

If it take time and effort for the visitor to understand what your page or product or offer is all about then kiss that subscriber goodbye.

If your offer isn't immediately obvious then don't bother.

People don’t buy what they don’t understand.

If its not clear, doesn't have clarity then it doesn't convert...simple as that

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JeffBoivin Premium
Thanks. I bookmarked and will come back soon. Cheers, Jeff
JasonGB Premium
Thank you. Glad it's helpful
Kaitly Premium
Hi Jason - great tutorial! I'm about to try doing some landing pages, so your tips are very helpful :) I will likely PM you sometime in the next week. Thx so much -Kaitly
JasonGB Premium
Hi Kaitly
Thanks very much glad you're trying them out
Look forward to hearing from you
JustinPratt Premium
Jason- You are a truly valuable follow my friend. This is a great piece. Although I'm not at this point yet in my site development, I've tagged for return when I am.
JasonGB Premium
Thanks so much my friend
I appreciate that
Hope its helpful and if I can help in anyway just shout
Look forward to working with you
mijareze Premium
Great job buddy! I imagine you are referring to using hyperlinks from say your post to a page where a visitor can get specialized info regarding a product (capture /convert).
JasonGB Premium
Hey Ed my friend
Thank you
Yes hyperlinks work well
Or you can have a separate page /domain entirely which acts as sales or capture funnel
TanjaRita Premium
Thanks for the info! But how exactly do you create a landing page?
JasonGB Premium
You can add a page to your own website is easiest or have a specific url or new domain.
I have an indexed example on my site
TanjaRita Premium
Thanks. So because it is a page on your site it shows all the menu items. If it was its own URL it would not have the menu items (like you mention in the training), correct?

Are you using a plugin for the pop up that get's people's email addresses?
JasonGB Premium
Even as a page on your own site you can have it nonindexed and remove menu. I use Sumome plugin linked with API to mailchimp . Very happy with the combo
TanjaRita Premium
Sounds good. Now if I only know what linked with API to mailchimp was...