1. W3 Total Cache

W3 Total Cache has more than 1 million active installations and is one of the most widely used WordPress cache plugins.

This plugin is open-source and completely free. You get all the features for free, and there are no upsells.

This plugin is on my top 10 list of WordPress cache plugins. It offers minifications that reduce bandwidth and HTTP compression as well as feed optimization.

This plugin is compatible with both desktop and mobile versions of a website. W3 Total Cache can be integrated with your website's CDN. It is also useful for websites with SSL certificates making it an excellent choice for e-commerce websites.

W3 Total Cache is not for everyone. It's not the best choice for beginners to WordPress, even

though it's a popular option. For example, there are 16 pages within the settings section. You don't need to configure each option manually.

The default settings are good enough right out of the box. I recommend that you stick with the default settings unless you are a skilled developer.

You can have this type of customization by having a separate setting for each type of cache.

There are many settings that you can choose from, such as:

 Object caching

 Page caching

 Browser caching

 Database caching

This list could go on. This level of customization is not available for free with other WordPress cache plugins.

2. WP Rocket

WP Rocket’s simplicity is what makes it the best WordPress cache plugin. It has more advanced settings that site owners or developers can customize.

Prices start at $49 for one website. WP Rocket also offers a $249 per year developer plan for unlimited websites.

I understand what you're thinking: Why would I pay for this when there are so numerous free WordPress cache plugins?

You get what you pay. A plugin that is easy to set up and has a smooth interface would be worth $50 per year.

WP Rocket has additional features that are not available in free cache plugins. It indexes your website in search engines to improve your SEO ranking. All JavaScript, HTML, and CSS files are minified to increase page load speed.

The "images upon request" feature is another benefit of this plugin. This allows images to only be loaded if they are visible on the screen. If you have many images in the scroll, they will not be loaded at first. This greatly speeds up your loading time.

This plugin can also optimize Google Fonts. It's something I haven't seen in most cache plugins.

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LMH1968 Premium
Great training Jim. I use WP Rocket on my site it is awesome :-)
JKulk1 Premium
Thanks Lisa.
LMH1968 Premium
You are very welcome Jim.
Israel17 Premium
Thanks for this helpful tutorial on improving site speed, Jim! Google recently announced that it's now an important ranking factor in its algorithm.

Israel Olatunji
JKulk1 Premium
Thank you Israel.
richardgb Premium
Hi Jim
Thank you for a very interesting tutorial.
I'd love to know which plugin works best with WA or siterubix hosting.
JKulk1 Premium
Thanks Richard, as Lisa said above WP Rocket us a good one.
Jenny28 Premium
Hi Jim,
Thanks for this tutorial. I have been using WP Rocket for quite some time now, and I’m very happy with it. I like how it does so much, it’s really an all in one plugin. It’s simple and easy for someone non-technical like me.
richardgb Premium
Hi Jenny
Do you have your site or sites hosted at siterubix?
If you do, are you able to say how much of a difference WP Rocket makes over the normal siterubix speeds, please?
Jenny28 Premium
Hi Richard,
I host my site here with WA, and have sitespeed set to extreme. My mobile speed is 98-99 and desktop is 100.
Individual pages are 98-99 for mobile and desktop 100.
Before WP rocket it was in the high 80’s for mobile.
richardgb Premium
Excellent. Thanks for the feedback, Jenny.
JKulk1 Premium
Totally agree Jenny.
JKulk1 Premium
It is the one I'm currently using Jenny. Jim
Aussiemuso Premium Plus
Terrific training Jim. I wasn't aware that there was such a huge choice.
Thanks for sharing.
Lily 😁🎶
JKulk1 Premium
Thank you Lily.