7. Use Instagram Stories

    A lot of businesses on Instagram use stories to get good results. Stories form a good marketing strategy on Instagram. Note that the lifetime of Instagram stories is just 24 hours, so they are more impactful when they are real and raw. You can use them to easily connect with your followers.

    When telling a story, engage multiple short scenes and convey your message very fast. Ensure you have a concise message at heart. This way you are sure to provide value. Do not forget to maintain your brand identity and be specific with your call to action.

    8. Work with Influencers

      Influencers who have a large audience on Instagram are always a winning ticket for reaching a large audience. People naturally trust influencers that they follow. Having your product show up on their feeds will be a good place to advertise.

      As such you must try and identify right influencers. They have an audience that will create a good market for your product. So your post can gain easy access to lots of potential customers.

      Working with influencers has both short term and long term benefits. Build a good relationship with influencers and focus on long time benefits.

      9. Post Consistently

        Don’t spam your followers feed by posting all the time. If all they see on the feeds are your content, you may start losing audience gradually. But post consistently in a regular manner, a good way to achieve this is posting at the scheduled time of the day. You can select peak days to post

        When it comes to scheduling post, you will find tools like a tailwind, Hootsuite, coschedule very useful.

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        Kingschido Premium
        Thanks for sharing this blog post. Very useful information.
        Parameter Premium

        You are welcome Kings.

        Instagram is a platform you will find very resourceful

        Lea15 Premium
        Excellent learning experience, but can you explain to me the superb meaning of a good photo.
        Parameter Premium

        Thank you for taking out time to see the training.

        Like I said in lesson 3, ensure the pictures are taken in a good environment with sufficient light. Avoid it been blurred and try as much as possible to have all the details on the picture visible.

        This does not have to cost you a fortune, your handset can do a good job. I hope I nailed it this time.

        Thank you once again for been there.

        YvonneBray Premium
        Thank you for doing this tutorial Parameter. I want to revisit this. I am saving it.
        Parameter Premium

        I am glad you found it engaging to the point of been revisited

        Thank you for taking out time to see the training in details

        YvonneBray Premium
        Your welcome
        Christorv Premium Plus
        67% are the young- expected but that's a large percentage of patrons. I am more convinced now to invest effort into social media.

        Thanks Ayo, this is such good info.
        Parameter Premium
        Thank you, Chris,

        The age distribution on this platform is good and gives virtually everyone a potential market.
