1. Use a Business Account

    If you are considering starting on this platform, you should switch your account to a business account. It is easy, go to settings, then account. You will see the switch to a professional account icon.

    The business account is very much different from a personal one. Some of the distinguishing factors are your access to Instagram ads, insight, shopping and ability to place a call to action button on your profile. For content creator and influencers, it is advised you go with the creator account

    2. Set your Goals

      What are your goals? You can use this platform to achieve a lot of things. Like creating an online presence for your business, increase brand awareness, get new leads or even sell products. The platform is robust enough for you to achieve multiple results at the same time. It all depends on you and what you want to achieve.

      3. Create an Optimized Profile

      Setting up your profile and selecting a picture is another important thing. Many of us use our pictures, for brands and business, your logo would be more appropriate. Another part of your profile is your bio. Use the 150 characters in it to create a good impression. It is a point to show your brand and convince them why they should follow you.

      Other fields that will showcase your brand include your username, website, and your name. Do not forget to select the right category, your contact information, and placing an appropriate call to action button

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      Kingschido Premium
      Thanks for sharing this blog post. Very useful information.
      Parameter Premium

      You are welcome Kings.

      Instagram is a platform you will find very resourceful

      Lea15 Premium
      Excellent learning experience, but can you explain to me the superb meaning of a good photo.
      Parameter Premium

      Thank you for taking out time to see the training.

      Like I said in lesson 3, ensure the pictures are taken in a good environment with sufficient light. Avoid it been blurred and try as much as possible to have all the details on the picture visible.

      This does not have to cost you a fortune, your handset can do a good job. I hope I nailed it this time.

      Thank you once again for been there.

      YvonneBray Premium
      Thank you for doing this tutorial Parameter. I want to revisit this. I am saving it.
      Parameter Premium

      I am glad you found it engaging to the point of been revisited

      Thank you for taking out time to see the training in details

      YvonneBray Premium
      Your welcome
      Christorv Premium Plus
      67% are the young- expected but that's a large percentage of patrons. I am more convinced now to invest effort into social media.

      Thanks Ayo, this is such good info.
      Parameter Premium
      Thank you, Chris,

      The age distribution on this platform is good and gives virtually everyone a potential market.
