4. Create appealing Content

    Unlike other social media, the attention of most folks on Instagram is drawn to your visuals. You need to work on your visuals, images and infographics. Make them look great and appealing. This does not mean you should invest in expensing photographic tools. Your handset and a properly lighted environment will give you sharp and original images.

    If you use infographics and animations, ensure the images are sharp, and text is easy to ready. Avoid blurred text that causes a strain in the eyes. Also, you can take advantage of short videos. They should have a maximum length of 60seconds.

    If you want people to share your content, then it has to be appealing, inspiring and attractive. Marketing on Instagram is not difficult but your content has to be worth sharing.

    5. Avoid Been too Pushy

      The overall objective is to sell your product, but avoid been too pushy with your adverts. You can easily get users annoyed, they will avoid your content like a plague. If you play it well, you will constantly keep users watching out for your content.

      You can use product teasers to tease your audience. They will like or comment on your post when used politely.

      6. Use good Captions

        Although Instagram is a social media platform based on the use of images, this does not mean we will neglect the captions. You can use the captions to capture a quick headline and also to tell a detailed story. You have access to not less than 2200 characters, although just a few of this line will appear in your field. But when users click on more they gain access to another part of your caption.

        On the length of your caption, Hootsuite advises on using 138 to 150 characters. For your caption in the organic post and 125 in the sponsored ad. They argued that a good caption will be a way of demonstrating your brand's personality, entertain and engage your audience, and also a good point to help your followers take action.

        As such, you should not be targeting to use the whole 2200 characters. All you need is a fraction to create a good impression.

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        Kingschido Premium
        Thanks for sharing this blog post. Very useful information.
        Parameter Premium

        You are welcome Kings.

        Instagram is a platform you will find very resourceful

        Lea15 Premium
        Excellent learning experience, but can you explain to me the superb meaning of a good photo.
        Parameter Premium

        Thank you for taking out time to see the training.

        Like I said in lesson 3, ensure the pictures are taken in a good environment with sufficient light. Avoid it been blurred and try as much as possible to have all the details on the picture visible.

        This does not have to cost you a fortune, your handset can do a good job. I hope I nailed it this time.

        Thank you once again for been there.

        YvonneBray Premium
        Thank you for doing this tutorial Parameter. I want to revisit this. I am saving it.
        Parameter Premium

        I am glad you found it engaging to the point of been revisited

        Thank you for taking out time to see the training in details

        YvonneBray Premium
        Your welcome
        Christorv Premium Plus
        67% are the young- expected but that's a large percentage of patrons. I am more convinced now to invest effort into social media.

        Thanks Ayo, this is such good info.
        Parameter Premium
        Thank you, Chris,

        The age distribution on this platform is good and gives virtually everyone a potential market.
