Welcome to a page out of my POWER 2 Goal setting course.
I recommend you look at my POWER goals course 1, either before during or after this tutorial.
BEGIN - ( Break Each Goal Into Numbers)
This is a bit of a mathematical approach but I urge that you follow this closely.
Sometimes we have a goal which is either too large or too big to get our heads around. It may be a goal that does pass the SMART test but it still seems very large and maybe we have variables, amounts, fees, costs or time that we need to consider. I spoke in POWER 1 about 'How do you eat an elephant?' and you do so by one bite at a time. We are taking that a little further now and will figure what exactly is a bite and how do we get a bite and more importantly how do we actually eat it.
Variables Goals that are large will often have a lot of variables which need to be factored into the overall goal.
Time - A large goal, if SMART tested, will need a time limit. This techniques works especially good for goals with a definite time limit or completion date.
Amount - This can be a money amount, a weight amount or any amount where the following works "I want to earn/lose/gain X amount"
Rankings - We will discuss a priority system based on the importance of some variables.
Percentages - We may discuss percentages to break down the goal.
If you have any questions please contact me at WAcontentDr@gmail.com
For this tutorial I am going to use the example which is very pertinent to all of us now.
"How do I get 300 referrals by December 31st"