Submitting Your Articles
Now it is time to submit your articles. We suggest that you only submit the same article to one place, or Google and other search engines will remove your listings because there will be exact replicates of the same content (not good). We suggest that if you want to submit the same article to several article directories, you should change the content around so that each article you submit is slightly different.
Here is a list of the top article submission directories:
Search Engines
It is a good idea to submit your articles to search engines after you have obtained a URL of your page from an article site. This exercise can be redundant at times as it will not expedite the listing process too much, but it does let the search engines know that your article is there.
Getting Someone to Write Articles For You
Since unique content is rewarded within search engines, it is important to write unique articles. This can be very time consuming, and time is one of those things that an Internet marketer cannot get enough of. For this reason, many article marketers outsource to people that do this for a living.
The great thing about this is that you will likely be able to get the work done for you right here at Wealthy Affiliate. The average article will run you about $5-$7, depending on who writes it for you. What you can do is post a job within the "WA Jobs" section and wait for the bids to roll in. You can also use other outsourcing agencies. These include:
Say you wanted 10 articles on Internet Marketing basics that are 500 words each. You would specify this in your ad, and independent copywriters will bid on the job. Often times this can be a very inexpensive way to get work done for you.
If you get someone to write articles for you, remember to specify which keywords you want them to focus on. You can always add the keywords in yourself, but if you specify this up front it will save you some time.
Note: We recommend that when you are starting out you should write all your articles yourself. This will not only give you good copywriting experience, it will save you money and allow you to learn some of the most important fundamentals of Internet marketing.