Affiliate Marketing Email Examples

You can use email to promote anything.

Email is great because it gives you more chances in front of your audience. (People who want what you have to offer.)

But it's important to use an email autoresponder to send out the emails for you.

And it's also important for you to write out your emails in advance to help your audience and recommend good solutions to their problems.

You should strive to email a mix of promotional emails and helpful informational emails.

So you avoid being too pushy as an affiliate and potentially causing people to unsubscribe from your email list.

(Unsubscribes will happen naturally but treat your email subscribers well, and they will treat you well in return.)

In the beginning, you will write your emails and set them up in your autoresponder.

To make the autoresponder work for you (send out the emails automatically on your behalf), you will schedule your emails to be sent out based on different actions and times.

Usually, a starter affiliate marketing email series will be 5 - 7 days long.

This series is connected to your freebie and starts the journey with you and your new email subscriber.

Meaning you will automatically send out emails for 5 to 7 days after someone has submitted their email address.

I know you're thinking..."Great! But what does this look like?"

4 Real-Life Affiliate Marketing Email Examples

Here are 4 real-life affiliate marketing email examples.

These are emails I've personally written to promote my affiliate offers.

You have the flexibility to write your emails however you want.

These are examples of what affiliate emails could look like.

For how I write these emails, I list a specific problem and then offer the affiliate offer as the solution.

Affiliate Marketing Email Example 1

  • Purpose: Start the email series attached to your email opt-in page and free offer
  • Content: This email contains the link to your freebie, what you offered in exchange for their email address
  • Timing: Automatically sent when someone submits their email address
  • Niche: MMO, Affiliate Marketing
  • Affiliate Product: Various throughout the guide

Subject Line: Hey! [Your Guide] 5 Strategies to Create Thriving Online Business


You are on your way to learning online strategies for creating a thriving online business right now!

You are getting over 2,000 words of pure brain dump on the strategies working for us and many other online marketers right now!

View NOW to learn:

  • The one strategy we’ve made thousands from
  • A pro tip for getting a product without paying for it (template included)
  • An effective formula for a really helpful product review
  • Examples of how we’ve made thousands
  • Product review templates you can steal

And so much more!

Download it here! [Insert your download link]

I hope you enjoy what you learn here.

[Your Name]

Affiliate Marketing Email Example 2

  • Purpose: To stay in front of your audience and offer them helpful solutions that you know they would benefit from
  • Content: This email is promotional and offers a link to an affiliate product
  • Timing: Sent as broadcast or scheduled in automated email series
  • Niche: MMO, Affiliate Marketing
  • Affiliate Product: Product Review Templates

Subject Line: Hack your product reviews with this

Product reviews are a great example of "passive income."

The idea is that you put in the work in the beginning.

You create the product review.

You publish the review.

You drive traffic to the review.

Then you make affiliate commissions from product sales.

Online product reviews can be viewed 24/7.

Therefore the product can be purchased 24/7.

Therefore you can make affiliate commissions 24/7.

Even while you sleep!

There are many ways to create product reviews.

All ways can be profitable.

But some ways are faster than others.

Creating product reviews from scratch can take a lot of time.


This is one of my timesaver hacks for product reviews.

Instead of starting from scratch...

Filling out my blank template one section at a time...

Taking hours and sometimes days...

I start with [Insert affiliate product name].

This process is easier and faster.

Check it out for yourself [insert affiliate link].

[Your Name]

Affiliate Marketing Email Example 3

  • Purpose: To stay in front of your audience and offer them helpful solutions that you know they would benefit from
  • Content: This email is promotional and offers a link to an affiliate product
  • Timing: Sent as broadcast or scheduled in automated email series
  • Niche: MMO, Affiliate Marketing
  • Affiliate Product: Funnel Training

Subject line: My Favorite Affiliate Funnel Training

What good is a funnel if you don’t know how to use it?

And don't worry if you don't know how.

(There's no shame in admitting you don't know something.)

Even if you have some idea of how funnels work.

But want someone to show you exactly how to do it.

Step by step.

Forget guessing and wasting hours trying to figure it out on your own.

(You don't have time for that.)

That's why you should leverage training.

But not just any training.

Good solid training by marketers you can trust.

Because you can not afford to learn shady tactics and harmful strategies.

These waste your time and put you in jeopardy of facing serious legal trouble.

Anyhoo, this is the same training I used to get my simple conversion-focused funnels set up.

So I can vouch for it.

And say it's exactly what you need to learn how to do.

Step by step.

Over-the-shoulder kind of training.

Not over your head kind of training.

There's something for everyone to learn here!

[Insert affiliate product]

[Your Name]

Affiliate Marketing Email Example 4

  • Purpose: Build brand awareness and trust with your subscribers
  • Content: This is valuable content and links to a helpful blog post (no affiliate
  • Timing: Sent as broadcast or scheduled in automated email series
  • Niche: MMO, Affiliate Marketing
  • Affiliate Product: None - Value content

Subject Line: 67 Good Domain Name Examples

This is a topic I see affiliates struggle with over and over again.

And that is how to choose a good domain name for your affiliate website.

This step is important.

Because you can't change the domain name after you buy it.

Not like you can edit words in a word doc.


Domain names don't work that way.

The only way to change your domain name is to buy another one.

Which makes you have to buy 2 domain names instead of just one.

(You spend more than you have to! And you have owned both of those domain names for at least a year. Because that's how buying domain names work.)

So getting the domain name right on the first try is important!

I have a little no-cost tool I use.

That works like a charm for any niche.

It's the same tool and hack that I use to get ideas that I would not have originally thought of.

I packaged up my steps and tips for you.

I've also included a list of 67 affiliate marketing domain names I've found along the way.

Use them for ideas and examples to get the ideas flowing for you.

Check it out below.

[Insert blog post]

Would you like to see more examples?

Do you promote Wealthy Affiliate?

Next up: A series of email examples promoting Wealthy Affiliate.

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Recent messages
Dhind1 Premium Plus
Thank you for putting this together. It is a great resource.

kimwolfe Premium Plus
Thanks Alex!
DaveSw Premium
Very effective training...Too many people shy away from email marketing when in reality it still is one of the most effective marketing methods and the ROI is better than most paid methods IMO...Of course, the process to build a list to mail to has to be implemented as well...Thanks, Kim!
kimwolfe Premium Plus
Thanks Dave! There’s great training on here for setting email
Up. I really wanted to show real email examples.
Triblu Premium
Wow Kim,

This is an awesome tutorial. Hope others realize how much value you have provided in your tutorial.... WOW!

"Like'd" and bookmarked for sharing in the future.
kimwolfe Premium Plus
Hey Trish! Awesome! Thanks! I have learned a lot over the past few years doing the affiliate marketing thing. Now I'm back with some real-world experience to offer the community :)
JeffreyBrown Premium Plus
Very nice, indeed, Kim!

kimwolfe Premium Plus
Hey Jeff! Thanks for checking this out! I think this will be useful for some WA members here :)
JeffreyBrown Premium Plus
I'm sure that it will be, Kim!
