You now have a linked picture which you can place anywhere on your site from your Media Library. But if you want to put it in the sidebar so it appears on every page, there are a few extra steps. (Keep in mind that not all Word Press themes support sidebars.)

In the upper right corner of your text window there are the two tabs, "Visual," and "Text." Most editing is done in "Visual," because it is a WYSIWYG format. (What You See Is What You Get.) To capture the html code that you created by all that linking you just did, you need to go into the "Text" window instead.

If you created a page just for creating this code, like I did in this tutorial, it will be easy to find just the link you're looking for. If it's in the middle of a page loaded with text and other links, it's a little more difficult to track down exactly what you need. I'm not familiar enough with html for this to be easy for me, so I cheat. Under the Visual tab (WYSIWYG) I hit "enter" a couple of times on either side of the picture. Then, when I go into the text tab, the html text I need is separated by this code:   It's a lot easier to find the ends of my little chunk of code. After I've copied the code, I go back to the Visual tab and take out the extra blank lines.

On the far left, under "Appearance," click on "Widgets."

There should be a "Text" button under "Widgets."

Choose the position you want to put your ad in on the page. In this case, I chose "Sidebar Right." Next, click "Add Widget." A new "Text" bar appears under "Sidebar Right." Click that to open it up, and paste that magic code you created into the little window.

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tracie45 Premium
i am trying to add an affiliate to my website and it is asking me some questions that I don't know how to answer. Like Media properties. What is my media property type? what is my media property name? what is my http and description. Please help because I want to join and add them.
KleeClay Premium
Where are you getting your link? The code that I put into my media library comes from Share-a-Sale or other affiliate program. The company that I'm posting a link for has their picture and text links posted in Share-a-Sale and are updated regularly. You should be able to simply copy/paste into your media library, as I show you in this tutorial.
BBrandt Premium
This may be nearly 2 years old but helped me. I can not thank you enough!!!!!! Finally a day of successes, I am so happy.
GPeN87Bridal Premium
thank you.
VickiB Premium
Thanks just what I was looking for
KLewis Premium
Very nice work.