Your Profile

Your posts help build your profile so when people check you out to either friend you or to see if you can help them you have worthwhile content that accurately reflects what you are about.

Post to your profile every day.

Your Group

If you have your group set up then you should be providing content that directly helps your tribe members achieve what they are working towards.

You should still use the RVL formula in your group, but this is where you address the reason your members joined you in the first place. ALL your very best value should be in your group, give your members what they came for and give others a reason to want to be in your group.

Post to your group approx. 2 times a week. It can be more if you have information that you need your group to see, but don’t just post for the sake of it. VALUE always.

Your Target Groups

You need to find 3 - 4 super relevant, vibrant, BIG groups to post regularly too.

These are groups your target market are hanging out in. So if you do Health Supplements for Men type in the search bar at the top of the page Men’s Health, go across to Groups and then check out the groups that have more than 10,000 members.

You are looking for groups that have members who are engaged, ones that post regularly and who respond to other posts … a vibrant active group.

You also want to be able to answer questions within that group and be able to post your own relevant posts in there.

I started out with about 6 and have narrowed it down to 3 big groups that I post regularly too.

Anymore than 3 and it’s hard to get a post in there regularly, any less and you are limiting your reach, you want to get your name and content out to as many people as humanly possible.

And in your bigger target groups you want your posts to provide value, to make you stand out from the crowd and give people a reason to click your profile and check you out.

Before you put up your first post engage with the group over a couple of days. Respond to comments and be as helpful as you can. Answer questions, click that love button on a few posts and generally get a feel for what posts have lots of engagement in the group.

IMPORTANT: Read the group rules. Do not post any affiliate links or links to your group or profile in anyone else's group unless the post specifically asks you too.

This is bad form and will not result in any sales anyway.

Facebook is all about attraction marketing, people WILL seek you out if you provide value.

Once You Have Posted

The really important thing after you have put up a post, no matter whether it is on your profile, your group or in one of your target groups is to respond to any and all comments that happen on your post.

Facebook loves to see engagement, so not only would it be rude not to acknowledge the person who took the time to comment on your post, it also helps Facebook see that you provide great content and they will then in turn show your post to more people.

See how the snowball effect will start to happen.

So respond to every comment on your posts, and preferably within 24 hours, but if you notice a comment you might have missed, respond no matter how long it’s been.


I hope this has helped to explain what, where and how to post to generate the most engagement possible on Facebook and increase leads to your sites and ultimately generate sales for you.

By using this system and not simply posting random content you will build your authority, people will start to know, like and trust you and will therefore respect your suggestions when it comes to visiting your site or purchasing your products/offers.

You will find in a very short space of time people will also start to private message you asking for your help, and by providing that genuine help you will make sales.

Of course if you have any questions please pop them in the comments and I will be happy to help you out.

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Trodvies Premium
How helpful is this training, Heidi! It actually gives you a "Facebook mind-set".

I couldn't help laughing when I read this part: "This doesn’t need to be sunwashed photos of you on the beach in the Bahamas and definitely shouldn't be a luxury car you rented in front of someone else's mansion!"

So interesting!

Thanks for helping out!
enriquetrips Premium
Great info, Heidi. I joined a few groups in my niche and engaged as much as possible. I got a few followers this way. However, a few days later, my website got banned by Facebook. I cannot direct any traffic from Facebook to my site! Do you have any pointers?
HeidiY Premium
You can appeal the decision with FB, assuming the website doesn't go against their T&C you will get it reapproved. Sometimes their bots are a little overzealous and they ban things that are actually ok.

In the future put links in the first comment, not in the original post and not on every post. FB don't want people leaving their platform so they will limit the post reach if you have a link in the post.
enriquetrips Premium
The only thing I was able to find was the option to submit a report. I've done this multiple times. However, Facebook tells me from the beginning they don't see individual reports.

They just say I violated their terms but don't say exactly what it was. It's frustrating that Facebook bots ban sites and if you want to reinstate them, contacting an agent to solve the problem is next to impossible.

Thanks for getting back to me.
HeidiY Premium
Enrique you could abandon your first profile and start again. I don't generally recommend this because you need to very very careful about how many friends you accept and reach out too so it will take longer to get a new profile established. BUT if you can't use what you've got to its full potential then it is a good option.

You just need to use a different email address on sign up and don't link back to your original profile or pages. Also don't do anything too fast, don't mass message people, or mass add friends, act like a social user and not a business.

I teach this in my other trainings here at WA.
enriquetrips Premium
So I figured. I haven't been using a personal profile but a page. My Facebook page is not blocked, but my domain is.

I've thought of doing what you just said. Thanks, Heidi!
KathleenB8 Premium
Thank you, Heidi. I've just opened a new Facebook page for my off-line job. Your advice is a great help.
HeidiY Premium
Kathleen you might want to consider also using your profile, FB pages have limited reach in that FB wants you to advertise when you have a business page so they don't show your content to as many people.

Your personal profile on the other hand can be developed to promote your business and gets shown to more people.
Triblu Premium
Excellent advice Heidi, and Thank YOU for inspiring me to do better with my Facebook posts!
HeidiY Premium
I have found FB to be an absolutely goldmine for leads and sales once you know how to work it, happy to answer any questions once you give it a try 😁
MaryAnnMc Premium
Thanks, Heidi! These are great tips that can be very effective.

Mary Ann
HeidiY Premium
They certainly are effective Mary Ann, I've been building my profile and generating organic traffic for about 5 months now and it's a great source of leads