Author RoopeKiuttu
Rank 24

Hi my friend, thanks for watching my video!

=> If you are new to Wealthy Affiliate, start the Make Money Online training here.

I have seen first-hand more than 10,000 people getting started with their "make money online journeys".

In Wealthy Affiliate, I have seen people from all over the world starting as complete beginners and making a life-changing income online including myself. But as you probably know, at first anything new is hard and that's one of the reasons why most people quit before achieving results.

In this video, you'll learn 7 reasons why most people fail and how you can be one of those who succeed.

If you enjoy the video, remember to smash the green Like button below and share this video with your friends who want to make money online to share the blessing.

All the best!

Roope Kiuttu

PS. Write in the comments which one of these 7 tips is the most important in your opinion! :)

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Tirolith Premium
“Do not just dream of success, work for it, and be the dream for all to follow.” Tom Short.

“Having a dream is great but putting it into action is greater and having success is the greatest of all.” Tom Short.

“Team up your body with your mind and your life will be able to create a life of success.” Tom Short.

lynnsam61 Premium
These are all great tips to follow. What resonates most with me is treating this like a business (not a hobby) and trying to do things on my own instead of getting help. Thanks for sharing!
MattilaP Premium
Really wise words Roope. You know how to motivate people 👍.
I've just made those mistakes. I spend too much time reading others blogs and treinings. I have Focus my website and make Articles there. That's Priority one here. It just forgets every once in a while. that's why I'm here. Make my website better 😁
Of course, my son is the most important thing in my life. When the boy is with me, I'll focus on him my all time. When I'm free, then I have to focus this business better.

Have great weekend my frend Roope 🙏
MsJeanK Premium
Hey Roope, what a brilliant video! Number 5 - change things that are not working, and number 7 - avoid distractions are my two favourites. I often go onto my email or facebook to find a specific thing and 15 minutes later remember why I was on there! I guess awareness if the start of resolving the problem.

Also, I would not have got 2 websites up and running without the help of this community. People (like you!) are just happy to help you out! It really is priceless.


heidiph1 Premium
Those make a lot of sense, Roope! I think “never quit” is a super important one. I’ve been feeling the “it’s not working for me” feeling lately, but I just need to change up my approach and try again! Thanks for sharing great tips!
LatinNomad Premium
Stick with it Heidi. Never quit!