Even though Google-Statistics is great for giving us our stats and their widget is suppose to give us more followers, I wouldn't put their widget on my site, because it's plain. I like to spice things up. If you like to spice things up, then keep reading.

Start here---------> http://widgetsplus.com/

Scroll down untill see "Settings":

Above you see, Basic Settings, Main Area Settings, Title Settings, Name Text, Button, and Bottom Text. To change each setting, simply click on it's name.

Also, make sure you check the box that says :include update feed", in the "basic settings" if you want your posts to pop up in your widget. This is kind of what Twitter does.

Note: You must enter yor own Google + id number for your info to come up in the widget.

In order to change colors, just click inside the box and a color panel will show up. You will do the same to all the boxes without options or boxes that require numbers. You will be able to visually see how your wideget looks before getting the html code.

Once your satisfied with the look, click "get code", then add it anywhere on your site.

You're done!

This is how mine looks:

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jwaffil2018 Premium
Hi, Fantastic post! I have been using a Gmail account for years which has been for personal use. When I was about to connect it to google+, I noticed I was already with Google+. I then came across your post about Google and found out that I should have a separate account for business purposes, so I created one, and then joined Google+ from that account! Wew!! I'm glad I saw your post! :)) Jim W
SamBogitini Premium
I tried getting a business gmail account but when I tried to enter my birth month in the details, it sort of froze and would not open up so I could choose the month. Anyone knows how to resolve that ?
jwaffil2018 Premium
Might have been a glitch? Did you go completely out and then try it again?