About tonydh
Rank 21440
203 followers Joined January 2013
I have been in high tech business to business selling for 40+ years. half of it in employment and many years ago I left my





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asked in
Getting Started

cannot remove cart item

I currently host playindays.com on Kualo but my understanding was that I would be able to host it on WA as part of my premium pulse membership benefits. Did I misunderstand this?

I should add that the nameservers were moved to Wealthy Affiliate some time ago but the webspace was deleted because my health issues were making life a bit difficult for giving time to WA.

It is already hosted here from the nameserves

Name Servers:


Expires On:

Thank you, but is the cost of hosting included in my subscription? I understood it covered 2 .com domains.

Yup, and while subscribed to the platform (hosting).

I see you joined WA on Jan 21st, 2013—the free ones are an offer for newcomers. (new pp+ joiners)

To the left, there's a little light grey X to remove an item.



Thank you but I cannot find any x. Is it on the first page or do I need to go through to the payment page to look for it?

See image.

The little x is actually not visible but I clicked where you indicated and the item was deleted - thank you,

Oh wow! What device are you using?


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How do i delete items from url cart?

How do i delete items from url cart?

asked in
Getting Started

cannot remove cart item

I currently host playindays.com on Kualo but my understanding was that I would be able to host it on WA as part of my premium pulse membership benefits. Did I misunderstand this?

I should add that the nameservers were moved to Wealthy Affiliate some time ago but the webspace was deleted because my health issues were making life a bit difficult for giving time to WA.

It is already hosted here from the nameserves

Name Servers:


Expires On:

Thank you, but is the cost of hosting included in my subscription? I understood it covered 2 .com domains.

Yup, and while subscribed to the platform (hosting).

I see you joined WA on Jan 21st, 2013—the free ones are an offer for newcomers. (new pp+ joiners)

To the left, there's a little light grey X to remove an item.



Thank you but I cannot find any x. Is it on the first page or do I need to go through to the payment page to look for it?

See image.

The little x is actually not visible but I clicked where you indicated and the item was deleted - thank you,

Oh wow! What device are you using?


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asked in
Getting Started

Paypal is chaotic grief. I tried to log in this morning to check whether I still had a live account. After over an hour on the phone, I still could not get past verification ev

Stripe are good and have become popular.

Totally, Louise :)


Yes , Tony, you could opt to pay by credit cards!

Marioi, that's a great suggestion here :)

You could use the Sripe payment gateway instead.

I think my PayPal is OK right now, I am going to look into SRIPE though. Thanks for the info.

That's fabulous and keep us updated on your progress :) You're awesomely welcome.

Yea pay pal is a pain! I had an old account that I had not used for ever and that turned into a huge problem. However they are the most secure and well known. They are trust worthy.

You may check the above response :)

They also regularly take your money off you and freeze your account

We've had a frozen incident, but that's our fault. There weren't enough funds to cover a significant purchasing transaction.

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I refuse to use paypyal for anything is there and alternative?

I refuse to use paypyal for anything is there and alternative?

asked in
Getting Started

Paypal is chaotic grief. I tried to log in this morning to check whether I still had a live account. After over an hour on the phone, I still could not get past verification ev

Stripe are good and have become popular.

Totally, Louise :)


Yes , Tony, you could opt to pay by credit cards!

Marioi, that's a great suggestion here :)

You could use the Sripe payment gateway instead.

I think my PayPal is OK right now, I am going to look into SRIPE though. Thanks for the info.

That's fabulous and keep us updated on your progress :) You're awesomely welcome.

Yea pay pal is a pain! I had an old account that I had not used for ever and that turned into a huge problem. However they are the most secure and well known. They are trust worthy.

You may check the above response :)

They also regularly take your money off you and freeze your account

We've had a frozen incident, but that's our fault. There weren't enough funds to cover a significant purchasing transaction.

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asked in
Website Development & Programming

All suggestions welcome.

How do I incorporate promoting WA to my site?
And I want to be sure that learning to play an electronic keyboard is a profitable niche, My website url is playindays.com

Are you following the hubs with the Bootcamp training? You can add your existing website to a newly created one.


Once you do, it will give your Website Structure and organization with respect to the direction of your choice.

If you’re happy with what you’ve created, publish it, and continue to repeat the process as you build your momentum to persistently do it!

All the best to you!

Maria 🌹

How to get...

You can use hubs.

Thank you for your reply.

Np :) Please keep us updated on your progress.

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Just getting started. have written some ai content and saved it. just trying to work out how to get

Just getting started. have written some ai content and saved it. just trying to work out how to get

asked in
Website Development & Programming

All suggestions welcome.

How do I incorporate promoting WA to my site?
And I want to be sure that learning to play an electronic keyboard is a profitable niche, My website url is playindays.com

Are you following the hubs with the Bootcamp training? You can add your existing website to a newly created one.


Once you do, it will give your Website Structure and organization with respect to the direction of your choice.

If you’re happy with what you’ve created, publish it, and continue to repeat the process as you build your momentum to persistently do it!

All the best to you!

Maria 🌹

How to get...

You can use hubs.

Thank you for your reply.

Np :) Please keep us updated on your progress.

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