My First Post- About Me

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About Tonya

July 31, 2023, by Healthy Eating for Women

Hello Everyone…

My name is Tonya, I’m the founder of the Healthy Eating for Women website. For the last few years, I’ve been on a journey to find a balance between eating healthy, cost efficiency, time management, and weight control. I aim to share my ideas and strategies that have worked for me and my family in hopes they work for you and your family too!

So here’s a look into why I started my Healthy Eating journey!

I’ve personally never struggled with my weight (very lucky to have a high metabolism) and can eat ANYTHING and never gain weight, but my husband has struggled with his weight pretty much all of his life! So going back to 2018 my husband started having some minor health issues and ended up on blood pressure medication, the blood pressure medication led to other health issues and I saw a snowball effect happening.

After extensive research and consulting our primary doctor, I concluded if I get his weight under control and get him off of the blood pressure medication we’ll see results and turn things around. So…here we are today! He’s doing very well. Most, if not all of the side effects from the blood pressure medication are gone. He’s lost weight and feels a lot better and has much more energy.

Why I’ve created the Healthy Eating for Women website

To share my advice, insights, the skills, and tools that worked for me along my journey. I hope to inspire and help others on their journey to healthy eating! My goal is to make healthy eating fun, easy, and exciting.

I’ll be including links to products, ideas, and resources to help you start your journey to healthy eating. If you have any questions for me please feel free to reach out! Let’s begin your healthy eating journey NOW!

As Always, Eat Healthy to Be Healthy!

Tonya L

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Recent Comments


Sounds like a great niche Tonya, thanks for sharing your story here my friend and all the very best moving forward! :-)

Thanks, Jessie!

You're most welcome my friend! :-)

Very well done, Tonya!


Thank you, Jeffrey!

You're very welcome!

Yes, it's good to eat healthy and congrats on your first post.

Thank you very much!

Great insights here, Tonya and congrats on your first blog post.

Thank you very much, I'm very new to blogging and writing in general so it's a work in progress but I'm learning and definitely loving it here at WA!

Totally and feel free to reach out when you need help or have questions.

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