Video Making made Simple Part 2 Using AI

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Setting the Scene

The before the prompt stage. First of all I would want all the questions below answered to create the prompt for the video.

1. Topic Of the Video

What subject or concept do you want to teach in the video? Provide specific details about the area you want the video to cover. The more information you provide, the more tailored the script will be.

I am going to give you three examples in the carpentry niche.

"Basic woodworking joints "

prompt 1 What are the basic woodworking joints.

Prompt 2

"Explain the fundamentals of popular joints like butt, miter, dado, rabbet, lap, and mortise, and tenon joints. Covering best use cases, how to cut them, and demonstrations."

"Building your first table."

"A beginner workshop going through the end-to-end process of plans, material buying, cutting, joinery, sanding, finishing, and assembly to create a simple DIY table."

"Installing crown molding."

"Best practices for measuring, angle cutting, fitting, and nailing up decorative crown molding with tips for clean finishing touches at the corners."

These carpentry-focused prompts give clear direction on the specific tools, techniques, or projects to cover at the right introductory level for someone newer to woodworking.

2. Target audience and level:

Who is the video for (age range, background knowledge)? Is it aimed at curious beginners, intermediate learners, or experts? This helps shape the overall depth and tone.

3. Tone of the Video

Defining the desired tone of an educational video early on is crucial for shaping the style and delivery of the script. Here are some examples of useful tone prompts:

Friendly and Relaxed
"The tone should be casual, conversational, and approachable. Use easygoing language, humorous analogies and examples where fit, and an inclusive style that feels like directly addressing the viewer."

Professional and Authoritative:

"Maintain a formal, expert tone. Stick to proper terminology without colloquialisms and delve into details rigorously. Quote outside research where applicable to highlight subject mastery."

Thought-provoking and Philosophical:
"Craft a reflective narrative tone pondering deeper meanings and implications of the subject matter. Use open-ended rhetoric to stimulate self-questioning and illuminate rather than prescribe."

Creative and Unorthodox:

"Employ an unconventional tone with colorful metaphors, unexpected connections to other topics, and a dash of harmless irreverence to keep viewers engaged."

Inspiring and Transformational:
"Adopt an empowering, motivating attitude focused on potential more than limits. Guide viewers gently toward a vision of uplifting progress and change through the topic's lessons."

The more descriptive you can be regarding the exact style, delivery and persona you want to portray, the better the script will establish the appropriate video tone from start to finish

4. Length

What is the ideal length for the full video script? For example: 2-3 minutes, 5 minute explainer video, 12-15 minute in-depth tutorial, etc.

5. Goal and key takeaways

What is the goal for viewers after watching the video? What are the 2-3 main points or concepts you want them to understand or be able to apply?

Here are three example prompts for the goal and key takeaways in the carpentry niche

"How to Use a Miter Saw

Goal: Viewers will understand how to set up basic cuts on a miter safely saw. They will know how to adjust the blade angles and stop cutting common angles.


1) Proper miter saw setup and safety best practices

2) Cutting 45 degree miters and complementary angles

3) Adjusting stops to ensure consistent, repeatable cuts."

"Wood Finish Basics

Goal: Introduce first-time wood finishers on the differences between stain, oil, varnish, lacquer and other products.


1) When to use penetrating oils vs surface finishes

2) Benefits and limitations of water-based vs oil-based Polyurethanes

3) Best practices for avoiding blotchiness with stain."

"Building a Workbench

Goal: Demonstrate basic workbench construction from start to finish for garage and basement woodshops.


1) Best practices for framing and reinforcing a sturdy benchtop

2) Choosing durable, thick tabletop materials

3) Attaching and integrating key work holding vices/dogs"

6. Visual suggestions

Do you have any ideas for visuals, simple animations, on-screen text/graphics, b-roll footage, etc. that could accompany and enhance the script? I can provide cues for any visual elements.

Optimize for SEO

Add these Pointers.

Keyword Research
Provide primary and secondary keyword phrases that should appear organically in the script, such as: "Primary keyword focus: beginner woodworking power tools."

Speak Conversationally
"Use the keyword phrases in a natural conversational way, not forced." The keywords should flow naturally.

Section Structure
"Break script into 4-5 sections with heading title cards starting with primary keywords, like 'Getting Started with Woodworking Power Tools.'"

Opening Hook with Keywords

"Engaging opening hook paragraph summary with primary and secondary keywords featured."

Recommend Related Videos
Provide 2-3 of your other top videos to cross-link for the end cards to build viewership.

With guidance like this, AI can shape scene sections, dialogue, imagery, and narrative flow to embed important SEO keywords and semantic connections in an engaging way.


I am going to use the carpentry niche to illustrate the prompt. I used this niche because I do not know anything about it. So, I certainly need help with the prompts.


I want to make a video in the basic woodworking joints. I want to explain what the joints are. I want to cover the best use cases, how to cut them, and demonstrations.The video is aimed at curious individuals who want to know can they do this themselves. The video length should be between two and three minutes. Provide beginner DIYers and woodworking hobbyists an engaging overview of common wood joints, best uses, and precision tips when cutting their own joints. Instill confidence that joint-making is achievable. Provide primary and secondary keyword phrases that should appear organically in the script, such as: "Primary keyword focus: beginner woodworking power tools."Break the script into 4-5 sections with heading title cards starting with primary keywords, like 'Getting Started with Woodworking Power Tools." Let the keywords flow naturally .Give me an engaging opening hook, paragraph summary with primary and secondary keywords. Provide 2-3 of your other top videos to cross-link for the end cards to build viewership. First of all suggest visuals for this , then write the script.


Here is a script draft for the beginner woodworking joints video based on the previous prompt:

(Upbeat intro music with quick shots of tools and wood

Welcome DIYers! I'm Dave and if you want to start learning wood joinery're in the right place.

(Zoom in on customer struggling to join bookshelves)

Whether it's shelves, frames, cabinets, or tables...strong joints are essential for nearly every wood project.

The good news is, you don’t need years of experience to make solid joints. In this video, I'll share the 3 easiest ones to begin with.

So grab your scrap wood and tools! Let’s get joining!

(music shift)

The most common starter joint is the basic butt joint. Simply line up your boards flush...

(Overhead view)

Mark evenly spaced lines across the width for your biscuits or pocket holes...

(Show marking)

And use sharp chisels, routers or a straight guide to cut precise slots or holes. I prefer biscuits to help align these tabletop boards across the joint.

(Demonstrate cutting and assembly)

For picture frames, light shelves or trim, simple wood glue and miters create diagonal corner joints.

(Show examples)

Carefully cutting matching 45 degree angles takes patience...but makes clean frames that hold.

(side view cutting angle demo)

Finally, nothing beats pocket hole joinery for basic right angle projects with quick assembly. Mark drill pocket holes at every joint.

(top down view marking pocket holes)

Then drive in your hole guides with a clamp jig, add glue to the raw wood edges, drive your pocket hole screws pulling joints tight and you’re set!

(Show clamping to drill followed by assembly)

Alright friends, start with any project using these 3 accessible joints mastered and you'll build your confidence up over time. Then we can get fancier with some sliding dovetails, rabbets, tenons and more in future videos!

(Coming soon video clip overlays and subscribe button)

But your wood joinery starts right here, right now! Grab some scrap boards and try your own first joints. Trust me, with a little care and patience you’ll be making heirloom projects in no time!

My final prompt would be

Do you have anything to add to improve on the above

and here is its answer and they are all valid points

do you have anything to add or improve on the above


I think you provided a really nice draft script covering the fundamentals of beginner woodworking joints! A few thoughts for potential additions:

Visual Guidance: Consider sprinkling some more descriptive cues for close-up camera shots and over-the-shoulder visual perspectives. This will guide the filming process. For example:

(Tight overhead shot of chisel in slot)
(Camera POV from behind saw clearing wood scrap)
(Reverse angle under workbench clamping jig)

Safety Notes: Might be good to add 1-2 quick reminders on joint-making safety - wearing gloves at times, unplugging tools before assembly, being wary of finger positioning, etc. Safety first!

Specific Tool Models: You could enhance the SEO keywords and value for buyers by naming 2-3 specific brand options for the essential tools. For example:

Kreg pocket hole jig
Bessey bar clamps
Makita miter saw

Additional Joint Details: No need to cram every detail into an introductory video, but a few specifics on wood sizing, glue drying times, degree angles, etc. may add helpful precision.

Overall I think you nailed explaining the essential joints clearly in simple language a beginner can replicate. My additions are just small enhancement ideas. The core message and flow looks excellent! Let me know if any other thoughts about improving this starter DIY joinery script come to mind.

So all of this seems a faff, but my answer would be I couldn't have done this myself without help. If you have any better prompts then feel free to add them below

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Recent Comments


Catherine, this example gives a great demonstration of talking with Chat. I am still finding my way with this tool, but get the best results if I have a definite idea of what I want help with. The helpful prompts are important for getting what we need with this tool.

This highlights a problem I often have when writing without a plan. Even using AI to help, your results are better with a plan.

Hey catherine I found your blog post very helpful and informative. I like how you explained the steps to create a prompt for an educational video. You covered all the important aspects such as the topic, the audience, the tone, the length, and the goal and takeaways. I think these are essential for crafting a clear and engaging script that will capture the viewers’ attention and interest.

I also appreciate the examples you gave in the carpentry niche. They show how you can apply the principles you outlined to different topics and levels of difficulty. I think this is a great way to demonstrate the versatility and usefulness of your approach. I learned a lot from your examples, and I’m inspired to try them out myself.

Thank you for sharing your insights and tips on how to create a prompt for an educational video. I think this is a valuable skill that can benefit anyone who wants to teach or learn something online. I look forward to reading more of your posts and watching your videos.


You are very welcome anytime

Hi Catherine,

Thanks for sharing this informative, well laid out example of how to make a video using AI. I'll have to study this until I get it right. I am glad that the prompt is flexible for any niche.


it can be adopted to any niche Rachele

Greetings, Catherine.

Thank you for the follow-up. This is incredible stuff.

Great information, Catherine! We'll see how it progresses!


thanks Jeff

You're very welcome, Catherine!

What a great informative, step by step tutorial and example of how to create video using AI. Even though this is for DIY niche, we can use these steps for other niches and subjects. Thanks for sharing and taking the time to write it up.

Yes of course you can build this out for any niche

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