If you are Promoting the Black Friday Offer Dont foregt this Strategy.
If you are promoting the offer as a relative newbie, you might not have all the ducks in a row to promote the Black Friday Offer. You can utilize any favorite articles here. Maybe the advantages or Prremium Plus or any other relevant article
How to Get Your Affiliate Link
Go to the article you want to use to promote your message; at the top of that article, there is a share link. That is your affiliate ink. Any sales that result from anyone joining by clicking that link will be accredited to you.
This applies at any time of the year not just Black Friday
Recent Comments
Thanks for pointing this out. What we consider common knowledge, newcomers are unaware of this valuable feature within the platform that can provide value to their content! Excellent post!
i am often amazed how few people know about this, I don't think it is specifically in training, In fact I do not know how I got to know about it, I think I was just curious when the share links first appeared
Cool beans on this, Catherine!
I'm fairly new and I didn't realize this :)
Teri 😎????
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Thank you Catherine for reminding
No problem