You Don't Have to Sit on Your Ass to Meditate

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I have been meditating the traditional way for 20 years.

What I mean by that is, I sit or lie down quietly, breathe deeply, clear my mind and listen to music or a guided meditation.

When I had children at home, I would squeeze time in after eating breakfast and cleaning the kitchen.

I homeschooled, so there was always noise and always a need for mommy.

I decided one day to put a note on my bedroom door. It said, "Do Not Disturb. If this is an emergency, call 911."

It worked for me, plus I think it made my children realize, not everything is an emergency that requires the assistance of their mom.

There were times when I fell asleep. Some strict meditators will tell you this is a NO-NO.

Bull-dinky. I sleep because my body needs it, and dreaming is where the magic happens. We often get incredible wisdom and ideas in our sleeping hours. To me, the purpose of meditation is to eliminate all outside stimuli and go within or leave the 3D world.

What I mean by that is often during sleeping hours, our souls take off to other dimensions. Our true selves are not confined to a body. Our true selves are electrical light beings that can travel.

Quantum science is catching up to the reality that on a subatomic level, we are nothing but space!

You won’t learn about quantum physics in any school textbook or from any of the media moguls who want to keep you uninformed. But the science is “out there” (no pun intended) and available.

This is why I crack up when people say, “trust the science” Science is meant to evolve. Science is a system of questions and theories that researchers try to prove or disprove. The problem is, much of today's science is funded by those who want to keep you in the clutches of their church.

If I am wrong, then why isn’t everyone taught about the placebo effect and how the power of the mind can heal.

If I am wrong, then why is it only a handful of people know about the double-slit experiment, where the observer can alter the results of a study?

These are minute examples, the rabbit hole goes deep, but most people are afraid of holes, portals, and other dimensions. People fear what they do not know. It is safer to trust the so-called authorities because we have been told we are too stupid to think for ourselves!

Meditation offers you an opportunity to think for yourself or not think at all and let the answers arise from your soul. Meditation also provides you with a chance to wander into the unknown ethers past linear time and space.

Truth is, you are meditating every day without even being aware.

All meditation is, is a period when your brain waves slow down and enter into the Theta state.

You do this when you are driving and forget where you are. You do this when you are washing the dishes, and your mind begins to drift as you think of other things. You do this when you stare out the window and daydream. You do this when you are playing video games. You do this when painting, writing, composing.

All outside stimuli are turned off, and you are in the zone- that is Theta.

Please don’t tell me you cannot meditate. You can, and you are already doing it. And don’t let any guru teach you how to meditate. You are already a wiz.

There are numerous reasons why people think they cannot meditate, but I will start with one.

You are told it is best to sit on your ass with your spine straight and say OM, although there is much benefit to that. However, people get frustrated with those ideas and give up. We tend to quit easily in our society if the results are not immediate, or if the outcome alters from the self -appointed experts. Argh!

So if you are considering adding a meditation practice to your life, please hear my words- You got this, and you can create your own practice.

Lately, I have been waking up, ready to take on my day with glee. The idea of sitting still in meditation does not appeal to me. I got the energy. I want to move!

So I have developed a new practice. I MOVE!!

I stand up as straight as I can, without judgment. I feel my feet connect to Mother Earth. I bring that energy up through my body and see it extending out the top of my head, reaching the limitless galaxies.

I am now in the center of all that is!

For a moment, I simply breathe it in and notice the electronic light vibrating. BOOM, I am there- in Theta.

At that point, I can put focus on one of my favorite guided meditations and listen. As I listen, I simply move my body. It can be just lifting my legs one at a time, which balances the 2 hemispheres of the brain. I can move my arms and down pushing the energy field around my body to stimulate and wake it up.

If you took these practices further you can call it Tai Chi.

Yep, ancient esoteric practices are just meditation in motion.

From a metaphysician's perspective, you can call it Energy Medicine

From a western perspective, you can call it DANCE!

Don’t get hung up on the principles and practices of meditation.

Just shut your door, put up a do not disturb sign, and do your thing.

Add this to your practice.

Oh, and here is a little secret. When you are in Theta, you are tapping into the subconscious. SO if you would like- take this time to use your imagination and visualize what you want to create in your life.

See it in your mind's eye. Your subconscious does not know the difference between your current reality and fantasy. It thinks it is all real. ( Because on a quantum level, it is) If you practice holding a vision, the superconscious will manifest it.

You are powerful, but no one ever told you – so I AM!

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Recent Comments


This is fantastic explanation for people who don't get it.

Love this.

i am glad

A wonderful explanation of a much-misunderstood practice!

Thanks for sharing :-)

you are welcome

Interesting, Thea! I don't meditate, I pray! I'm glad this works out for you though! Thought-provoking post, indeed!


Praying is talking to God, Meditation is listening. I do both.
And yes you do meditate, all the time. I explained this.

🤔🤔 Now that you have re-explained it, Thea, I guess your right! Sometimes I'm a little slow on the uptake!


Oh, I love that you wrote this!

As a Qigong instructor, practitioner and clinician, I've encouraged my clients and students to add movement, breath and imagery to their meditation. After all, it's supposed to get us fully present, right?
My mind wants to wander more when I sit.

I also am grateful you talk about the bliss of the Theta state and the power of manifestation that can unfold when adding imagery while in it!

The more awareness of this topic the better!

Thanks again!
Nameste, abd to your health!

Nice to have you on this planet, to share the practice!


Thank you for making me understand what meditation is. I have been completely blank on this one. I will try it. Thank you for sharing.

You are welcome.

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