Wealth, Health, Love and Happiness!
"In order for you to have more health, wealth, love and happiness.....You have to be grateful for what you already have!"
Wealth is not the same as Income...if you make a nice income every year, but spend it all, you are not getting wealthier... you are living the High-Life! I personally try and save 30% of my income every month. When I have enough, I use it as a down-payment on an income generating property.
The secret of perfect health is to keep the mind always cheerful, never worried, never hurried, never burdened by fear or anxiety. Many people lose their wealth gaining wealth, and then have to spend their wealth to regain their health!
What is Love? Love is many things...
Love is when two people touch each other's soul,
Love is honesty and trust,
Love is mutual respect,
Love means differences can be worked out,
Love is like a war, easy to begin, hard to end and impossible to forget!
I think that we like to complicate things...it's really quite simple:
Find out what it is that makes you happy, and who it is that makes you happy.
Learn to feel comfortable with uncertainty.
Give more...expect less!
Love and be Loved!!
Some people are old at 18 and some people are young at 80. Time is a concept that humans created. Success is not the key to happiness, happiness is the key to success.
If you love what you are doing, you will be successful!
What are your thoughts?
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Many thanks for this. All I know is that ingratitude is the CAUSE of unhappiness, counting other people's blessings instead of your own. Everyone is blessed in one way or the other, so all should have a grateful heart.
Hi Gloria,
Yes I agree, I know a lot of people that are just worried about everyone else's lives that it affects their own...not a way to live at all!
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My statement about wealth: You're right. It's not always a financial thing. It's really how you view your situation, including the people/pets you have around you.
My situation: I am stinking rich! Why? I have two great pets. Great family (mostly). Have a home, food and my personal beliefs (religious beliefs).