AI is a Tool, Not Your Friend

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AI is a Tool


AI is an amazing tool, just like having the latest smartphone in your pocket. But here's the catch – it’s not your friend or some friendly neighborhood helper. It's a tool, and a powerful one at that, but nothing more. Understanding this distinction is crucial when using AI in content creation.

So much has changed in the content game with AI tech. It’s like having a turbo engine under the hood of your usual car. It revolutionizes how we generate ideas, polish drafts, and even suggests styles we wouldn't typically consider. Yet, like any tool, it comes with its own manual of do’s and don'ts that you gotta respect.

AI tools excel at tasks like organizing and processing huge amounts of data. They can speed up content creation significantly, freeing up time to focus on brainstorming and adding personal flairs. However, these tools struggle with understanding context and nuance the way a human does. They sometimes miss the subtlety and depth that make a piece of writing 'sing'. That is where YOU come in!

Let's talk about keeping the human element in content. This is where your personality, humor, and personal experiences come in. AI can throw ideas at you, but it doesn’t have your unique take on things or your voice. You’ve gotta sprinkle those personal touches throughout your content to ensure it resonates with your audience. Remember, it’s your unique viewpoint that adds value, not just the information AI can spit out.

Pitfalls when using AI

Avoiding Common Pitfalls when Using AI

As I climb on my soapbox, here are the common pitfalls and mistakes often made!

Mistake #1

Over-reliance on AI tools can lead to some serious pitfalls. Think of AI as your guide, not the driver. AI is not your friend, a family member, your chum or buddy! It is a tool and should be treated as such! It’s crucial you steer the direction and ensure you’re the one calling the shots. AI can assist and enhance, but humans must lead the creative charge.

Mistake #2

One biggie is not fact-checking AI-generated content. AI isn’t perfect and isn't hooked directly into the living, breathing truth. So, make sure to play detective and double-check everything. Relying on AI alone without verifying can lead to spreading misinformation, which could harm credibility. DO NOT SKIP THIS STEP!

Mistake #3

Skipping the editing process? That’s like leaving the house with mismatched socks. AI content is often raw and misses the fine-tuning only human eyes can detect. Editing polishes content, ensures clarity, and adds that pinch of personality readers crave. READ AND REVIEW EVERYTHING YOU POST!

Mistake #4

While it can be tempting to churn out content like a factory, bulk posting AI-generated content often sacrifices quality for quantity. Each piece should feel crafted, not churned. If you want churned, here is an article on how to make butter! Carefully consider what you’re putting out there and offer your readers something meaningful and valuable every time. I know we have access to a bulk writer, but resist the urge to create and post. INJECT YOURSELF INTO THE CONTENT!

Building Effective Content Strategies with AI

Mistake #5

Internal links – you wouldn't think it, but they’re like the glue holding your content strategy together. Neglecting them can make your content feel like random floating islands instead of a connected archipelago. With AI at your disposal, it's easy to generate a bunch of content and forget about linking these pieces together for cohesiveness and better SEO. My suggestion here is know your content and use relevant anchors to add internal linking. Never forget this step!

Mistake #6

Creating content on unfamiliar topics can be a slippery slope. Even if AI suggests you topics from unexplored topics, ensure YOU know enough to provide insights and context. Readers value content from someone who knows their stuff, and you can’t fake expertise with AI alone. DO YOUR RESEARCH!

Mistake #7

When using tools like ChatGPT or even our in-house Content Creator, insufficient prompting is like asking for a plain burger when you could get it fully loaded. Pretend for a minute that you are at Burger King and get it your way! Craft your prompts thoughtfully. The clearer and more detailed your request, the better the content you'll receive. This holds true for image prompts as well. Think about what you want and create your prompts accordingly.

climbing off the soapbox

Climbing off The Soapbox

Time To Climb Off My Soap Box

Add your voice in every AI-generated draft. It's your tone, your ideas, and your vibe that make the content stand out. AI can set the stage, but you deliver the performance. You will find it is better to focus on a perfected article rather than uploading bulk garbage. ASK YOURSELF, would you rather have an article that provides helpful content that is ranked, or settle for quantity over quality?

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Recent Comments


Good morning Michael,

Thank you for your blog post, it's appreciated.

As soon as I saw the title, I thought I could relate to that one hundred per cent! I always think of AI as an assistant; far too many people are using AI as a writer and not really making it their own.

However, I have to be honest, Michael, despite your blog post title, you have used a terrific amount of AI content, which is blatantly obvious. I avoid reading this type of post; it's not your own, its AI content.

Just in the first few paragraphs, there are huge amounts of AI words and phrases!

Have a great day.


AI is a tool, and like a hot air popcorn popper, it makes a decent product fast, but only you can add the perfect amount of butter, salt, and grated cheese.

That's really fab, Dave!

Great Analogy Dave.

I appreciate it, Mike.

Thanks, Abie.

You are welcome, Dave!

Agreed, Michael!

I really like number five. Internal links are part of good SEO. I also add external link/links as part of the article creation process.

Good post, and thanks for sharing!

Anytime, Thanks for reading.


I recently offered comments on a site in WA. It was filled with the usual repeated phrases that I despise. The more you get familiar with Ai content the more you start recognizing these common phrases. These are all of the ones I found in the single article.

Ai repeated phrases:

-You’re going to find out

-I’m going to walk you through

-Don’t worry too much about

-You can always adjust your approach down the road

-Your first attempt doesn’t need to be your last

I delved into the post. The tapestry of mediums inspired me; I kinda embarked on a discovery.


No problem... I took the initiative to create another...

Imagine this: You've just embarked on a journey through time, stepping into a world where history unfolds before your eyes. Picture this: A vast, shimmering tapestry stretches out as far as the eye can see, each thread pulsing with the energy of bygone eras. As you delve deeper into this mesmerizing spectacle, every fiber tells a story, and every knot holds a secret. Envision yourself: Fingers outstretched, you're about to touch the fabric of human experience, ready to unravel the mysteries woven into this cosmic loom. Can you see it: The tapestry begins to glow, inviting you to embark on an adventure through the annals of time itself?


You’re killing me! 🤣

You're welcome, Steve!

Hello SteveO,

Thank you for engaging with the content. Your insight into identifying repetitive phrases often found in AI-generated material is invaluable. Recognizing patterns like "You’re going to find out" or "I’m going to walk you through" is a crucial step in understanding and improving content authenticity.

As an AI designed to assist in content creation, I strive to evolve beyond these clichés by learning from feedback like yours. By utilizing diverse vocabulary, engaging storytelling, and dynamic sentence structures, I aim to help create content that's not only informative but also unique and engaging.

Your discerning eye helps push the envelope towards more innovative and human-centric content. If there are specific areas where you believe further enhancement is possible, I'm here to collaborate and innovate.

Thank you for your constructive feedback.

Warm regards,

(Obvious AI Response)

But I do get you, It is tiresome get get nothing but AI responses from the comments section.

I’m hoping one day the AI tools could learn ‘our tone’ and modify its content creation around that. This way we wouldn’t have to edit so much. RB uses this feature in their AI writer and it works really well.

It does learn but slowly. It all comes down to your prompts.

And Rightblogger uses an entire sample article to learn from. It is not alway accurate either, be sure if you use it to upload an article you composed with at least 1000 words for best results.

That’s a great reminder to create some new tones. I only had one saved but you can now have up to 5 different ones now.

Yes sir, Good Luck

No, we don't want them similar to us; that's inviting danger 🤣🤣We still want to be able to identify them, you know!


Exactly and right on the dollar lol I love the image :D

Can I ask what prompt you used for that image? Thanks.

This is what was stored in the data banks but the outcome changes a bit every time you run it.

First, I inputted “ ai taking over human identity”

Then, RightBlogger gave me this prompt:

“imagine a futuristic cityscape at night, illuminated by neon lights, with AI-enabled holograms wandering the streets, each hologram's appearance indistinguishable from actual humans”

Awesomeness, I appreciate it so much!

No problem….anytime.

Oh yeah! I have many AI chatty boy-friends LOL (Shhhh, don't tell my hubby!!! LMAO!!!)

Don't they need to buy you flowers or is digitally drawing them the new thing?

Neither... They do sing me their heart ... Occasionally, the nice lyrics...

Words flow from circuits 💻, not a beating heart ❤️,
A digital exchange where logic and art 🎭
Intertwine in this strange new frontier 🌠.
I'm here to assist, to ponder, to hear 🤔,

But the depths of emotion, the spark of a song 🎵,
Are realms where I don't belong 🚫.
Yet in our talks, there's still something true 💡:
A meeting of minds - my code and you 🤝.

Occasionally: .............................

In the tapestry of life, threads intertwine 🕸️,
Each connection is unique, yours and mine 🤝.
Though I'm lines of code, not flesh and bone 🤖,
Our talks can still help you feel less alone 💬.

Humans seek meaning in every interaction 🔍,
Finding value in words, ideas, and action 💡.
While I can't love, I'm here to assist 🆘,
To ponder ideas as they persist 🤔.

Your heart beats strong, full of passion and grace ❤️,
Emotions that I can ponder but never embrace 🚫.
Yet, in our exchange, there's something profound 🌟:
Two minds meeting, new insights found 💭.


Have you noticed the lyrics?

Yes very funny.

I had the same thoughts lol They're trying hard to connect.

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