Primed for Triumph

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(Header image: A person stands triumphantly at a mountain peak at sunrise, surrounded by preparation tools.)

Aren't we ALL? Absolutely!

If you constantly put in the effort and come in well-prepared to handle anything that comes your way, you will no doubt achieve triumph.

Preparation is vital, no matter the cost or what it takes.

While talent is beneficial, preparation is the determining factor.

Enjoy a perfect weekend, folks.


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I count every little win as a triumph. For me, it is about being grateful for the little things (even though I strive for more).

Thanks for sharing. Preparation is a vital step. It would be like going on vacation without packing anything. If you miss that vital step of packing for the are bound to have a lot of difficulties and setbacks!


“Chance favors the prepared mind.”
(Louis Pasteur)

Hi Abie

Check out Under Siege 2: Dark Territory, if you like Steven Seagal movies and this quote.

It’ll add a little action to your weekend. 😎

Frank 🤘🎸

Lovely quote, Frank! Thank you :)

We have seen it; I love Steven Seagal's shows. Thanks for the recommendation, though :)

I loved watching Summer in the City - a romantic NYC movie. Positive outcome: Ohio girl moves to a big city and tries hard to make it... She meets her love and becomes partners with her boss :)

Hi Abie

Then, you're familiar with Travis Dane. Lol
The Under Seige I movie is good, too, if you haven't seen it.

Did you know that Steven Seagal is a hardcore guitar player who collects famous guitars? He has several of B. B. King's guitars, one owned by Stevie Ray Vaughn, and all three of Albert King's Flying V guitars. That's just a small part of his collection. You can hear some of his music in his movies.

I'll let Stacy know about Summer in the City. It seems like her kind of movie. So glad you enjoyed it! 😎

Frank 🎸

Yeah, I loved that show, lol. I am a teeny tiny cook lololol

I didn't know, lol - That was very educational, thank you :) I like his moves lololol

That's just perfect! Please let me know what she thinks! :)

Yeah, some great lines in those movies, Abie! Lol 😆

Frank 🤘🎸

His girlfriend was something else lololol

That's for sure, Abie! 😎😎😎

Lololol - The birthday cake :) I might get a chance to watch a movie tonight, but I don't know what yet.

Yeah, she was too drugged out from the nausea med to pop out of the captain’s cake. 🎂 Lol 😆

Don’t know what what’s on the movie menu for tonight.

The Day After Tomorrow (2004) - maybe? I like Jake... lol

I have seen Ambulance (2022) for Jake too :)

That’s a great movie, Abie!

We just saw it again about one month ago.

Disaster films are the best! Lol 😎

One of the newer ones I like is “Moonfall.”

That's an excellent movie, Frank! I watched it but can't remember when. We seem to have similar tastes in films as well, lol

Yes indeed, Abie!

We do have quite a bit in common.

I think we would get along quite well in real space. 😎

I agree with your assessment - I would get to taste authentic Italian food, lol

Lots and lots of it, Abie! Lol 😎

Haha! Thank you ✌️🙏

That's terrific, AbieOi.

Hey Stranger! Good to see you :)

Good to see you too, AbieOi.

That's perfect, Lula! How has it been?

Perfect, AbieOi.

It has been terrific, AbieOi.

Prepping for everything is a good strategy. Enjoy your weekend!

Yup, preparation goes a long way :) I appreciate it, Tony!

Wise words Abie ;-)

Thank you so much, Paul One! I appreciate you. :)

Ty Abie. Have a great weekend

Paul One

Most welcome, Paul One!

Thank you; it is going to be a glorious one to the both of us :)

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