Life's Daily Gauntlet

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(The header image depicts overcoming life's challenges, progressing from turmoil to resilience.)

Life's journey is a series of roadblocks, unexpected issues, and challenges we must overcome. Whether it's a minor hiccup or a major upheaval, these are the threads that weave the fabric of our daily lives, both personal and professional.

This occurs on any level, no matter where you are in life. There's no running away from it. But the more responsibilities you have, the more challenges you face.

There's a common element in all of these: these challenges set things right, you hope; you learn from the process and, most crucially, grow.

But for us to pursue such a process, we need to have that pumped-up mindset that we can make it, and sometimes it will be huge, and it will benefit us. Seeing it through to the end is most rewarding.

I see many folks get stuck or halt at the slightest hurdle. That's a very wrong approach. Not only will it demean you, but it will also make restarting a new process more difficult.

You must believe that you are ALL in it for the long haul. There is simply no other option.

The longer it takes to make the shift, the more painful it will be.

We must always focus on the big picture and work our way backward.


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Recent Comments


Good advice, Abie. Actually, all those hurdles in life are the perfect learning opportunities. While they can be painful and disruptive, they are the perfect way to gain new knowledge. I don't like hurdles any more than the next person, but I do like solving the problem and the outcome that comes out of the solving process.

Happy Wednesday!


I appreciate your feedback response, Nancy! Congrats on your Ambassadorship, lol. Woohoo! Perfect..

Thanks Abie. I am thrilled!


Congratulations once again :)

This post is so true. I can have a full day or week of scheduled things to get done, and there’s no pressure. The unexpected happens and all of a sudden everything is chaotic. This can happen in every area of life so you’re right we need to be sure that we’re all in ensure that we understand what that means. Thanks for the article.

Thank you, Jim :)

You’re welcome.

Always a pleasure :)

This article was my story a couple days ago. I was needing to learn more about hanging on to the handrails when the road gets tougher. By reading this, it’s making my focus even more direct.


Thank you, Rick! Wishing you well with your learning.

But we are "all in" Madame AbieP and very positive +

That's perfect to hear, Chris!

You forgot to mention the dead ends, detours, backroads, deer crossings, potholes, construction work and annoying tailgaters, Abie. A hummer would be a better suited vehicle on life's journey. 🚙

Isaiah 😁

I totally agree... Great remarks here, Isaiah! :D

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