How Audience Feedback Will Shape Abie and Plummy

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A Story That Grows With Its Readers

Abie and Plummy began as a simple idea during a conversation on the Wealthy Affiliate platform. While discussing how content could evolve with its audience, I had an epiphany: why not create a story that grows alongside its readers? It is a story that doesn't just entertain but adapts to children's changing lives, emotions, and needs as they grow.

That's how Abie and Plummy were born—not as a fixed narrative, but as a living, breathing story that evolves, just like the kids who engage with it.

I've realized that the best stories aren't created in isolation—they thrive through collaboration. The feedback and shared ideas I've gained from communities like Wealthy Affiliate have shown me the incredible power of co-creation.

That's the spirit I want to bring into Abie and Plummy: a story shaped by my imagination and the real experiences and insights of children, parents, and educators.

This isn't just a book series or an animated show—it's a dynamic, evolving experience. With your help, it will grow alongside its readers, offering companionship, laughter, and learning at every stage.

Why Feedback Matters: Building a Journey Together

Creating Abie and Plummy is not about crafting a one-time product that's set in stone. It's about shaping an ongoing journey authentically reflecting children's evolving emotional landscapes. To guide that evolution, I rely on those who know growing minds best: parents, educators, and children.

Parents understand their children's needs, while educators bring unique insights into how stories can be woven into learning environments. With their feedback, I can ensure that Abie and Plummy remain relevant, relatable, and impactful.

At its core, this series is a companion through life's ups and downs. Listening to the reflections, suggestions, and ideas of parents, educators, and children—whether about a new adventure, a beloved character, or a resonating theme—will make all the difference in shaping something truly extraordinary.

How We'll Gather Insights: A Collaborative Process

To keep Abie and Plummy aligned with what children, parents, and educators find meaningful, I'm building in several ways to gather feedback, including:

  • Surveys and Polls: Quick, accessible surveys for parents and educators to share thoughts on upcoming themes, storylines, or character arcs. This input will help guide everything from narrative tone to classroom lesson tie-ins.
  • Focus Groups: I'm excited to host small groups of parents and children to provide more in-depth feedback. In these sessions, I'll learn firsthand what makes kids laugh, which moments tug at their hearts, and how I can fine-tune the story to make an even more significant impact.
  • In-App Feedback Tools: As the series expands into interactive apps and digital content, I want to make it easy for children themselves to share their thoughts. Playful polls embedded in episodes, mini-game ratings, and straightforward feedback tools will allow kids to shape the adventures they love actively.

Shaping the Story: Evolving Based on Insights

Every suggestion and piece of feedback will directly influence how Abie and Plummy evolve across their books, animation, and interactive content. For example:

  • Parent Feedback: If parents express interest in deeper emotional themes, we'll explore Abie's journey into self-discovery with greater depth, tackling topics like empathy, resilience, and self-esteem.
  • Educator Suggestions: Educators might suggest incorporating social-emotional learning objectives into the episodes, making it easier for Abie and Plummy to integrate with classroom activities and learning goals.
  • Children's Voices: If kids fall in love with a particular side character or request new adventures, I'll know which stories to develop next. Their enthusiasm will drive future content, keeping the series fun and fresh.

This process isn't just about storytelling—it's about story-listening. Every interaction with viewers will help the series stay meaningful, ensuring it speaks to kids' hearts and minds as they grow.

Engagement Across Platforms: Connecting Through More Than Just Stories

The future of Abie and Plummy is about more than books or animations—it's about creating an interactive, multi-platform experience that allows kids and parents to connect with the characters in new and exciting ways. Here are a few ways I'm opening up the creative process for audience engagement:

  • Interactive Contests: Children can participate in designing new characters or voting on the next adventure. These contests will engage young viewers, inspire their creativity, and make them feel part of the world-building process.
  • Social Media Dialogue: Parents can share their children's reactions, favorite moments, or ideas through social media, helping build a community around the series. It's a place for shared stories, connections, and creativity.
  • Educational Tie-ins: Educators will have access to new episodes and related lesson materials early. Their feedback will help ensure that the stories work in entertainment and as valuable teaching tools in classrooms.

From Page to Screen: Shaping the Animation and Digital Experiences

As Abie and Plummy leap from the page to an animated series, their adventures will continue to grow based on viewer feedback. Each season will reflect the developmental stages of its audience, but your insights will ensure it truly resonates:

  • Season 1 (Ages 7-9): Bright, playful, and full of teamwork. If kids love problem-solving challenges, future episodes will dive deeper into those themes.
  • Season 2 (Ages 10-12): More introspective, focusing on complex emotions. If viewers connect with stories of friendship shifts, I'll explore those dynamics further.
  • Season 3 (Ages 13+): Personal growth and transformation. Feedback from older viewers will guide how we address the nuances of adolescence in authentic, meaningful ways.

A Vision for Lasting Impact: Building a Companion for Growth

At its core, Abie and Plummy is about more than entertainment—it's about enriching lives. As it grows, the series will expand into YouTube clips, educational games, and interactive apps. But this expansion isn't just about reaching more platforms—it's about creating a meaningful tool for emotional development, learning, and growth.

With thoughtful feedback, we'll shape a series beyond passive entertainment to become a trusted resource for parents, a valuable tool for educators, and a beloved companion for children at every stage of growth.

Joining the Journey: Building Something Special Together

At the heart of Abie and Plummy is a growth story for its characters and audience. But growth doesn't happen alone. I'm excited to build this journey, using feedback to make each season, each episode, and each adventure more meaningful.

Together, we'll create a story that laughs, learns, and grows with every child interacting with it. Their voice matters—let's shape this adventure hand in hand.

I'd like your feedback on this blog post and the two before it. Do they effectively convey the vision and value of Abie and Plummy, or is there something missing beyond the technical details and know-how? I'd love to hear your thoughts!

Abie and Plummy: A Story That Evolves as Children Grow
Abie and Plummy: A Story That Evolves Into The World of Animation


Please check out my other blog posts to the right. I appreciate you. 🙏----->>>>>

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Recent Comments


You are such a good writer, Abie! I'm amazed how you pop out such cool ideas and write about them. I wish I could do the same... :)

I love this concept. Story listening is great. I'll read the other 2 and comment on those, too.

I appreciate you!


Thank you for the compliment, Teri! How's your day going?

I'm indeed trying to be innovative with this one and go the extra mile—you know! It could end up being the next multi-million-dollar show, lol. I appreciate the feedback.


Please do, lol. And let us know what you think!
Thank you.

I think this idea is absolutely brilliant.

I appreciate it, thanks...

It is shaping up nicely, AbieOi. I wish you well, success, and terrific days.

There is a lot of work to do, lol. Thank you, #LOLA

You're welcome, AbieOi!

Thanks again, lol #LOLA

Thank you, AbieOi!

Enjoy a glorious, stupendous, amazing, blessed Sunday! :) #LOLA

Thanks, AbieOi! I'm working on the ranch.

Wow!! You guys are amazing... Keep up the great work!!
Munching over here over

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