Can Water Really Boost Your Health and Happiness?


Can Water Really Boost Your Health and Happiness?

"WATER" is the first thing that popped up in my head early this morning. I asked myself, why not write a piece with more perspective? I understand that this may be niche-specific, but I will try my best to give its benefits. Thus, I hope it will be a polished piece ready to serve a purpose to the Wealthy Affiliate community. (I also raised the question in the live chat and was encouraged to proceed.)

Did you know that water is one of those things we tend to overlook in our day-to-day lives? It's everywhere—flowing from taps, rivers, and even bottles on store shelves. Yet, when it comes to improving our health and happiness, it's often pushed aside in favor of more exciting wellness trends. But here's the thing: water might be the most potent, underappreciated life enhancer. It's not just a thirst-quencher—it's your body's essential fuel.

Think of your body as a finely tuned machine. Every cell, tissue, and organ depends on water to function efficiently. Without it, your body starts to slow down, like a car running on empty. But when you fuel up with the right amount, water powers everything from your skin's glow to your mental clarity. The difference? It's huge.

The Physical Benefits of Water: More Than Skin-Deep

When we feel low on energy, it's easy to reach for coffee or sugary drinks, but often the real issue is dehydration. Your body needs water to keep your brain sharp and your muscles functioning smoothly.

Staying hydrated, on the other hand, can improve everything from focus and alertness to your stamina at the gym.

Now, let's talk skin. Water plays a vital role in maintaining your skin's elasticity and radiance. When you're dehydrated, your skin looks dull and tired. But drink enough water, and you'll notice a natural, youthful glow.

Hydration helps flush out toxins and supports cell regeneration, making water the simplest (and cheapest) beauty secret.

Struggling with digestion? That's another area where water shines. Proper hydration helps your digestive system break down food and absorb nutrients more efficiently. If constipation is a problem, upping your water intake can often be the solution. And if you're trying to lose weight, water helps by filling you up and boosting your metabolism, making it easier to manage cravings.

Feeling headache-prone? Dehydration is a common trigger. Next time you feel that familiar ache, try a glass of water before reaching for over-the-counter meds. It does the trick.

Water and Mental Wellbeing: Nature's Therapy

Beyond physical benefits, water can work wonders for your mind, too. Have you ever noticed how calming it feels to sit by the ocean or listen to the sound of rain? That's no coincidence. Research suggests that being near water—or even just listening to it—triggers the brain's relaxation response, reducing stress and promoting mental clarity.

Take, for example, Zadar, Croatia's Sea organ (Croatian: Morske orgulje), which is fun and helps you relax. This experimental musical instrument plays music through sea waves and tubes underneath giant marble steps. It naturally reduces stress and clears your mind, making it a great place to enjoy the excitement and calm.

You don't have to live by the sea to enjoy these benefits. Something as simple as soaking in a warm bath or leisurely walking near a stream can calm your mind and refresh your spirit. It's like therapy but cheaper—and probably more fun.

If you're feeling particularly frazzled, incorporating small, water-related rituals into your routine can be life-changing. For instance, a few moments of mindfulness during your morning shower or a quiet cup of tea by the window as it rains can offer a much-needed mental reset.

Hydration Hacks: Easy Ways to Make Water a Habit

Staying hydrated doesn't have to be complicated. Here are a few easy ways to make sure you're getting enough water throughout the day:

  • Start Your Day with Water

After hours of sleep, your body is naturally dehydrated. Kick-start your morning with a glass of water before reaching for coffee. It's a simple way to set the tone for the rest of your day.

  • Carry a Water Bottle Everywhere

Keeping a water bottle on hand is one of the easiest ways to remind yourself to stay hydrated. If it's in sight, you'll likely sip throughout the day.

  • Jazz Up Plain Water

If regular water feels boring, give it a twist! Try infusing it with fresh flavors—think cucumber, lemon, mint, or berries. Not only does it taste better, but it can also make drinking water more enjoyable.

  • Eat Your Water

Fruits and vegetables like watermelon, cucumbers, and oranges are packed with water. Including these hydrating foods in your diet is an easy (and delicious) way to boost your intake.

  • Set Hydration Reminders

If you're prone to forgetting, set reminders on your phone or download an app to track your water intake. Even small sips add up over a day.

Conclusion: The Simple Path to Better Health and Happiness

Water might be simple, but its impact is profound. It powers your physical health, from glowing skin to efficient digestion and sustained energy levels. It also soothes your mind, offering moments of calm and clarity when life gets stressful. By making water a central part of your routine, you're giving yourself a head start on physical and mental wellness.

But here's the key: the benefits of water are cumulative. The more consistent your hydration habits, the better you'll feel. So here's my challenge: commit to drinking more water for the next seven days. Track your intake, try the hydration hacks, and see how transformative this simple change can be.

Let water be your secret weapon; it's the easiest upgrade you'll ever make. Ready to give it a try?


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Recent Comments


Thanks for this water post, Abie!

I've always been a big water drinker. I really started it when I lived in Tennessee. I go bottled Mountain Valley water. I carried the bottle with me everywhere.

I later graduated to carrying a water bottle with my own water. I recently saw Mountain Valley water in our Fresh Market store. It's like $2.50 now. I think it was $.75 when I first got it in the '70s.

Keep the thirst!


Teri, you're an inspiration and a star.

Indeed, I love everything that's water and associated with it.

I even considered positions and careers like Marine Biologist, Oceanographer, Coast Guard Officer, Underwater Archaeologist, Scuba Diving Instructor, Ship Captain, Sailor, Aquarium Curator, Water Conservation Specialist, Lifeguard, Marine Mammal Trainer, Wetlands Ecologist, Water Quality Analyst, Commercial Divers, Surf Instructors, and Marine Geologists, etc. lol 🤣🤣

I like to swim and play with water, lol. Not just consuming it.


I've been in the nutrition industry for many years and this was very well written.

Don't worry about the "8 glasses of water a day" rule. We have NO idea where that came from! Just sip water through the day and eat your colors of the rainbow like you mentioned.

Add a pinch of salt to a cup of water and drink that after waking up. This will help restore hydration after fasting. Try to stay away from electrolyte drinks as most of them have added nasties that serve no purpose other than harming your gut health.

Keep it simple and natural!

Cheers :)

Thank you for your profound feedback here, Christina! That's greatly appreciated.

Water is the key of life.

However, I just read this and it brought “water” to my eyes.

I guess one man’s water is another man’s milk…. Spare me, I’m still laughing.

“A former co-worker, who was a wedding makeup artist, revealed to her that she once attended a job where the groom was caught by the bride being breastfed by his mom.”

P.S. The marriage was of.


I’m sticking to H2O. That was H2omg….

H2Oh no! That's quite a story. Some people take "momma's boy" to a whole new level. Thanks for the laugh - and for reminding me why water is the safest beverage choice.

Cheers to keeping things simple (and less awkward) with good old H2O!



Thank you, Pie!
I appreciate you.

Exceptionally well-written blog post. AbieOi.

Thank you, Lola!
I appreciate you.

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