A BIG Thanks to WA!

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Thanks to Wealthy Affiliate, I found the opportunity AND courage to release two albums with my website's name as the artist!

Why So Exciting?

MusicalGrowth.com was the website I chose to start here on WA over 9 months ago and from this website, I attracted a client that hired me to produce an album for their company.

My website's niche is music that aids in meditation and yoga with articles that hint at health, wellness, and researched advice for overall lifestyle (yoga mats, comfortable clothing, chakra healing jewelry, noise cancelling earphones, etc.).

I started with a goal. To produce free, quality music to attract people to the website to lead listeners to click on products they might find useful. So far the website is making $10 to $20 a month. But thanks to the website and the credibility I've formed around the brand name, I was hired to produce an album.

The album was so loved by my client that they gave me permission to publically release the album on Spotify, Pandora, Google Play, Amazon, and everywhere online - it was so effective in aiding in the Reiki healing process, they felt it needed to be shared with the world!

Two Albums Down

So thanks to the website and my confidence in MusicalGrowth's online presence, I felt comfortable enough to compile another album as well.

Thanks to WA, I've developed a strength in approaching my online marketing, content creation, and SEO strategies. One thing has led to another and now I'm two albums in!

So, Thank You!

Releasing an album has been a dream of mine sense middle school and thanks to WA and everything I've learned here, I've successfully released two albums. I'm overwhelmed with a sense of accomplishment, but very much looking forward to reaching further here on WA.

It's the first time I've worked so hard where I can see potential STILL beginnings to form, even months down the road. All because WA has taught me how to successfully set up an online business built to last.

One day 9-months ago, I stumbled upon an article about WA written by "IveTriedThat" and now I have over 60 articles, 100,000+ words, and two albums.

Keep working hard everyone. Hard work pays off with online ventures - I can see so much evidence of this here on Wealthy Affiliate.

Thanks for all your support everyone!


If you'd like to listen to my NEW albums, feel free to search for the album names:

  • "Once Hidden: Journey Through the Chakras"
  • "Piano Steps"

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This is really exciting Chase and congrats on the album release. Keep pushing forward with the website and I’m sure there will be more albums to come. What a great success!


Great to hear from you, Carson! Thanks for the support. As always, I'm very grateful for everything you do. I'll keep pushing forward and I'll definitely share my positive experiences on WA!

Thats Amazing Congrats!

Thank you so much!

Great success story Chase! Congrats!!

Thank you so much! Appreciate it :)

So exciting Chase, that is encouraging and your site is great. Thanks so much for the wonderful post. Makes me love WA all the more.

And that love is well placed - thanks for sharing your thoughts. Best of luck here on WA!

WOW!! Congratulation my friend!!! Awesome success and Thanks for sharing it with us!! It's truly inspiring!!! Proof that when we start on our new journey, we don't know what life has in store for us and we can't imagine what our success is going to be. I'm sure this is just the beginning for you my friend, life has way more to add to your success I'm sure!! Wishing you all the Best!!!

Aw thanks very heartwarming - thank you for being so nice! I truly hope things work out moving forward. I see so much potential in the WA community and it inspires me to keep pushing forward every day! Thanks so much for giving me your words of encouragement. Best of luck to you as well!

Thank you for your words of encouragement and well done with your site. The Buddhism connection is interesting and offers even more opportunities for you.

I think the biggest thing I've learned on WA is the ability to look for connections between things - music, spirituality, and materials to help aid people in the niche I chose is something I wouldn't have understood without learning here on WA. Appreciate the comment! And thanks for kind words. Best of luck to you!

Congratulations! ... Beautiful! ... enjoy every success along your journey of music, all the best, cheerio... 🎵🎵🎵

Thanks for your support :) onwards and upwards!

you're most welcome & enjoy the amazing journey! 😊

Congratulations on your achievements Chase, that is awesome! So happy to hear of your successes... it seems WA has a way of not only teaching us affiliate marketing and online business, but also of growing our confidence to do things we've only dreamed of before.

Keep up the great work!
Best wishes :) ~Sherry

It is very true - there's a lot to be said for learning the RIGHT way of approaching online avenues. Understanding how it all works builds a level of assurity I wouldn't trade for anything! Thanks for dropping a comment. Best of look to you on WA!

That's absolutely amazing TCChandler!

You're going in the right direction, keep going.

Appreciate the support! Thanks for dropping a comment. Good luck to you here on WA!

Hi Chase
Well done with there awesome achievements and keep up the great work
I'm not sure however if you are allowed to put those links on your blog as adding links to your site is against the rules
you can add your site in the comments or feedback thread however
All the very best from a muso in New Zealand

Did not know that! Thank you for bringing that to my attention. I've seen many people post links with their blogs, but I never meant to break rules. I'll look into that now. Thanks -

You're right - reviewed the rules and removed the links. Thanks!

You rock and I'm off to check them out

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