we want to change the name of our website
If you've bought the website domain name already, then the only way to change the name is to buy the domain name you want.
Or if you have a domain name (website site name) the title of the website is the only way to change it from with in your wordpress area.
So for example: hot dog dot com and you want hot dog spice dot com , you have to buy a new domain.
Do you mean the Domain Name (URL) or just the website name (site title)?
If it's the domain name you would need to buy a new domain. To change the website name (site title) go to Settings in your WordPress dashboard, then General, and there you can change your website name (site title)
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How do you change the name of your website?
we want to change the name of our website
If you've bought the website domain name already, then the only way to change the name is to buy the domain name you want.
Or if you have a domain name (website site name) the title of the website is the only way to change it from with in your wordpress area.
So for example: hot dog dot com and you want hot dog spice dot com , you have to buy a new domain.
Do you mean the Domain Name (URL) or just the website name (site title)?
If it's the domain name you would need to buy a new domain. To change the website name (site title) go to Settings in your WordPress dashboard, then General, and there you can change your website name (site title)
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we were charged double for monthly and yearly on the same day
You were charged $19 for your first month (which was reduced from the yearly $399 offer), and then you took advantage of the yearly discount offer which was $350. So total, $369 (normal price is $399).
Does that make sense?
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Why were we charged double on the same day for monthly and yearly?
we were charged double for monthly and yearly on the same day
You were charged $19 for your first month (which was reduced from the yearly $399 offer), and then you took advantage of the yearly discount offer which was $350. So total, $369 (normal price is $399).
Does that make sense?
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Thanks for the tip
You're welcome.