Help Yourself With The Pomodoro Technique

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Hi everyone. I wanted to post about a strategy called the Pomodoro technique which I mentioned in my last post.

This will help you to be more productive throughout the day doing micro tasks.

So what is the Pomodoro technique?

The Pomodoro Technique is a time management method developed by Francesco Cirillo in the late 1980s.

“It’s an easy and fun way to get the most out of your time management”. So if time and procrastination are your enemies, you can use this technique to be more productive!

Click on this article to get even more information:

No matter how hard we try to control time, we just can’t. And when we procrastinate or are unproductive, we get frustrated and feel guilty.

Francesco was going through the same experience when he couldn’t focus on his studies and kept getting distracted. So he grabbed a kitchen timer and bet himself that he could focus for the two minutes he set. It worked beautifully and he found the sweet spot to be 25 minutes of work with a 2-5 minute break.

The writer goes through different scenarios in his article, which is a great read, by the way, and explains how setting your timer for 25 minutes followed by a 5-minute break allows you to complete more in a day than you thought possible.

You can then set 4 pomodoros, then take a longer break.

Personally, because I work from home, I use my breaks to get laundry done, cuddle my grandkids, get something to eat, etc.

It’s incredibly hard to work for hours at a time and not lose focus. Your mind starts to drift and you start to look at all the open tabs on your computer, haha.

So I highly recommend you check out this technique.

Thanks for reading and have an awesome week.



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Recent Comments


Interesting subject and one that I will definitely explore.

Thank you.


You’re very welcome!!

Hi Suzie
A great subject to write about... thank you.

I use Pomodoro whenever I'm working on the computer. The thing is that various University studies of students' concentration span for learning show that an optimum length of time for total immersion in a topic is 22 min on average. So I use 25-minute sessions with 5-minute breaks.

I use a free App called Toggl Track for tracking this, which is available as a browser extension and can be integrated into many other apps that I use.

I agree we cannot control time... we can only control what we choose to do in any period of time. A while back, I wrote a post expressing my opinion on the subject of time: :-)

Trying Toggl now. Thanks.

Hi Alex... any questions, just ask...

Thanks, I will - I have used it today and will do so again tomorrow.



That’s awesome Richard, thanks so much. There are so many apps out there to choose from, haha.
I really appreciate you posting a link. Thanks so much!!

Great job Alex!! I hope you find it a very productive habit!! 😉

Thanks for this info. I am going to try it.

Good for you! I played around with the length of time till I found something that worked best for me.

Excellent advice
I also use the timer method for maximum productivity
Thank you for the reinforcement

That’s awesome!! Good for you!

Awesome :)


I checked it out from your last post and it’s a great time management method!


Right!? It’s amazing how well it works. Takes a bit of practice to stick to it, though. Haha.

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