INSTAGRAM: What are the contents that Instagram loves the most!

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Hi beautiful WA family!

Since the launch of my site on 12th June, I actively worked to re-live my Instagram account, with 10.300 followers. Instagram has always been my FIRST SOURCE OF INCOME (at least 1500 euros every month, only from IG) before I stopped working for health problems.

After 3 years outside the market, I should come back in a very strategic way, so I organized my strategy around LAUNCHES of collections. Not single products, but a THEME (for example "Summer Gardens") and all the posts should convey that feeling or theme (I am really obsessed with the beauty of my IG feed since my customers receive an immediate feeling of the quality of my brand).

But, after 3 years, many things have changed on Instagram: before beautiful pictures were the must, now REELS are the must (I share both for practical reasons since building reels requires more time and efforts, reminding that the retention time of a post is REALLY SHORT, almost 24 hours if you are lucky, you need to produce always new content).

Anyway, I am here to share what Mosseri (the head of IG) said on his latest reel: Instagram will give more visibility to those contents that people will naturally share with friends.

What does it mean this? The major metric for IG algorithm to understand the engagement to a post will be HOW MUCH THAT POST IS SHARED with others: so not only likes nor comments but SHARINGS.

So I came up with this ideas for the launch of my next collection: those who comments and tag at least 2 friends will receive a 10% discount. Only those, not the others.

Because TAGS is a proof of sharing the post, is a way we could use to PUSH PEOPLE TO BE MORE ACTIVE TOWARDS our contents (I saw many creators use BOTS to create this engagement: "For example, "write CIAO" in the comments to receive my guide)

Do you have any other idea to push people sharing the content? Let's brainstorm together!

P.s. At the time, I am not aware of any metric that shows how many times a content has been shared with others. There are metrics that track likes, comments and post save, but not sharings, as far as I know!

Your Work-a-Round Girl


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For those seeking the ultimate Instagram experience in Hamburg, I found a superb article on thatโ€™s worth checking out. The piece lists top locations throughout the city where you can capture eye-catching and memorable photos. From vibrant neighborhoods to serene parks, the guide covers a diverse range of spots perfect for enhancing your Instagram feed. If youโ€™re looking for inspiration and great photo ops

My dear, I sell african fabrics so displaying pictures of Hamburg is totally off topic for me! And no, I won't click your link, by the way. This is not the right place for this game.

I've never used IG myself Romy but it sounds like you have a great system going there!

Appreciate the info my friend and enjoy the rest of your week!! :-)

Oh Jessie, IG is great for visual brands!! It's like Pinterest with more social features!

It's on my ever growing list of things to try Romy!!

I'll get there one day my friend!! :-)

Very good info, Romy!


you welcome Jeff!

Thank you, Romy!


Hi Romy

I donโ€™t use IG, but I think you have a great idea! ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘

Keep us informed of your progress!๐Ÿ˜Ž

Frank ๐ŸŽธ

For sure! Kissessssss!

Haha, I thought it was
Baciiiiiiiiiiiii ! ๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡น

oh yes, it is Baciiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii or Baciniiiiii! Lol!!!

You missed Bacini, right? Lol!!!

Yeah, but it won't happen again, Romy! Lol ๐Ÿ˜‚

ahahaahahahahahahhaahaha (and it continues) :))))


That's an incredible milestone, and plenty of ways to leverage Instagram exist. You may also want to check the later .com blog for more Instagram wisdom :)

Thank you, Romy!

Yes, Later is a good source but Instagram for Creators I think is better, because it is Instagram itself who tells you what they are looking for! :)

That's great, I have bookmarked that resource :)

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