Connecting Power
Lack of connection is a modern era defined feature of technology and how we work online and communicate with our community. The lack of connection is the cause of many fears and habits.
As a people making up society, we underestimate that we desire and crave but require connections as humans. Connecting with one another is a core survival that gives meaning to life.

Starting with covid-19 has been proof of disconnection from loved ones, no human affection, a quick cold handshake, afraid to leave the house, shopping online, and talking to family members through a glass door. This is the beginning of the depression and lack of communication with friends and people we love and see every day.
The power of human connection can not be replaced no matter how advanced technology may get with the knowledge to move this world forward to make it a better place to live and breathe. I feel like connecting with humans is a gift. A smile, hug, giving, sharing, a simple way of life.
Let us take a look at connecting with self, a close and personal awareness. Connecting with self know that we are worthy of love, happiness, healthy, and all that God has for us. The word of God says he wants us to be happy and prosper as our soul proper. We as humans must believe in something stronger than ourselves to connect to stay grounded mentally.
Connecting with family, loved ones, and friends are more meaningful in our hearts, and minds with a purpose of bringing a complete circle of connection power, There's nothing like it.
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Good point. I think many people.think.that the.internet can.sustain human contact.
With the ubiquity of hand-helds- cell phones, laptops, iPads and gaming devices, we are fast losing that personal connection in our homes.
Watch a family go through the routine of evening supper with each member peering at their hand-helds instead of engaging in conversations with other members of the family.
No more family talk over dinner So sad!
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The more we leave it to machines and technology to connect us the more we fall behind in our social skill sets.
We are becoming scared of holding hands, hugging and kissing in case we get Covid..
I go to coffee shops now and watch people (one of the last people watchers) look at their mobile phone. Then they go to dinner, take photos of what they should have enjoyed, then go home and watch Tik Tok about how to overcome their sleep problems..
I wonder when we will be buried with their cell phones. I gotta get off the iPad, someone is calling me on my phone…woops it’s my dog 🐶, he wants dinner. He wants an I-bone…urgghh, that was