Pulling It All Together

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My membership renewed yesterday, although it is now 5 weeks since I first logged on. It seems like a good time to look at how my content has developed and get feedback on my process.

Yesterday I published my eighth piece of content; not including the basic "About Me, Privacy and Disclosure pages. I think a good target for the next four weeks is 10.

Over the last four weeks, with the help of the training, additional classes and never ending support from the community I have developed a basic strategy / checklist for the next article.

I would greatly appreciate any feedback; particularly any corrections or additions.

Choosing the topic/sub-topic:

  • Look at mind map of niche and select a gap to fill.
  • Use AI prompts to identify wants & needs & pain points of target audience.
  • Develop long tailed keyword options with AI, that address those issues.
  • Test keywords in Jaaxy and select "low hanging fruit", Low QSR, High SEO score.
  • Come up with Title that incorporates keyword and makes grammatical sense.

Develop an Outline:

  • Work with ChatGpt to develop outline for a post that builds around the niche, keyword and address the wants and needs - pain points.
  • Run same prompt through Bard for any additional or up to date ideas.
  • Edit outline and re-submit to ChatGpt as the outline to work with.

Create The Body of the Content:

  • ChatGpt to write a first draft, one section at a time.
  • Edit the section and compose straight into WordPress.
  • Add relevant images and links as we go. Images to have Alt Text & Description.
  • Approx 3 internal and 1 external Link.
  • Insert YouTube content if feasible.

Final Touches:

  • Save as draft, the go into WordPress to add:
  • Meta Title
  • Meta Description
  • Categories
  • Tags
  • Featured Image has relevance to topic: include keyword in Alt text/description.

Writing Considerations

  • Content should have continuity of layout within the post and across the site.
  • Keyword crafted into Captivating title, introduction and conclusion.

Wait a few days and submit URL to Google Search Console.

Final Thoughts

I cannot deny that I am heavily dependant on A.I. but I do edit the content. I am not so sure my version is as readable as my A.I. oppo. I really struggle with catchy titles, meta descriptions etc. My site tagline is NOT GOOD!

I am happy with my last 2 posts but now need to go back and edit the rest so they may index/rank better.

I am sure that the landscape will continue to shift; I only hope that I can get the foundation in place to take advantage of the A.I. revolution.

p.s. I am going to give "Jays Ninjays Prompt Sheet" a run out tonight and compare against the prompts I have been using.

p.p.s I wish I could get audio of the classes, all my mobile data is gone, listening to classes in the car.

That's it for now

Trust the Process.


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Recent Comments


You'll get better as you move along, Steve! Keep succeeding!


A great system you have there Steve, keep on learning and implementing my friend and all the very best moving forward! :-)

Hi Steve,

Looks like a very organised approach toward preparing, creating and submitting your posts.

I'm taking notes for sure.

Lots to soak in, but seems you're steaming ahead very nicely.

Thanks for sharing.
Cherie :o)


Thanks for the comments. The approach is coming along with additions and adaptations as I watch more classes on AI, SEO and WordPress.

I see you are flying up the ranks, keeping yourself busy in the community.

I wish you all the best


Hey Steve,

Thank you, I'm trying. Think I'm a couple of weeks behind you though.

There's SO much to take on and learn! It's exciting as I can really see it coming together, but its a major information overload too!

I definitely need to watch more classes so as to refine my skills and learn.

It'll all come I'm sure.

Keep up the excellent work mate!

All the best,
Cherie :o)

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