I Need Motivation.


I was pumping out articles at a pretty consistent rate, numbers were slowly climbing.

Then......the numbers started dropping.

And dropping...

And dropping....

I've gotta be honest...I'm losing motivation to keep this thing going.

I really don't see any reason to keep this going at this point.

In addition, I'm running out of ideas. I'm running out of passion.

Looked this morning......numbers are dropping still.

I see so many others doing awesome on here and I'm just....dying.

I would have been fine with my numbers just staying more or less consistent when I was posting with consistency. But they weren't.

Do I have to increase my activity exponentially just to keep my numbers even? If I do....I think I'm just wasting my time.

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Hi Steve
I've just seen this.
Today, Partha (ParthaB) published a very useful post that you might find interesting because it might give you ideas for making the most of your existing posts: :-)

Thanks for sending that along. I will check it out!

I hope you're able to step over this hurdle. Good luck, Emma x

Hi Steve,
I just looked at your site and your latest post, I did not look at any other posts. The site looks nice in my opinion, but I noticed a few things that can possibly lose rank with Google anyway.

The amount of backlinks or anchor links seems a bit high for just one post and they're bunched a bit close to one another as well. One of the last sentences is a link and it does not work and dead links will hurt in Google ranking as well.

It appears that despite having many posts there's only one post on the site that had any comments that I observed. With Google console you can identify which pages are ranking and indexed and which ones are not.

The ones that are not you can go over with any changes and re-submit them to Google through Console inspection. Updating any posts and pages can also help aside from any new posts you create.

When you update an old post it makes it presently relevant for the search engines. Getting more comments on every post will show engagement on the site.

Even if you don't use Console these changes would eventually apply through your xml sitemap but it may take longer. One other thing I noticed that may be a simple fix is that you have the same post in more than one category.

That creates duplicate content on your site which can cause SEO issues when crawled by the search engines. I would go to the posts and quick edit them all to only one category each.

To me, your site looked pretty nice overall.

I wish you all the best.

Thanks for all the suggestions. I'm going to go through and make some changes, most notably the categories.

Be curious as to what might be the challenge and what might be the solution.

I see you are posting one blog a week and that seems consistent at least. That's good.

You could post each post weekly on your FB page. Very inconsistent there. I liked your page so that's a huge 50% increase. :-)

When was the last time you reviewed the WA Training?

It never hurts to go thru it again as you might pick up things that you overlooked or forgotten or implemented incorrectly. Also search out other training here at WA on SEO to get more of that organic traffic.

If you want to quit, that's the easy part.

If you want to succeed then through them excuses out the window and work even harder.

You've been here a year. Re-commit and give it another year of hard work and action.

To Your Success!


Thanks for the advice and encouragement. I admit I've neglected the Facebook end of things because I've historically had little engagement there.


Everything takes time along with consistent action. Keep pumping out content. Running out of ideas? Then sure related sites and come up with more ideas there and also use Jaaxy to help with suggestions.

To Your Success!


Hi Steve,

I do not know what to say, but I read this blog post from Kyle over and over again in past 2 days.. It motivate me a lot...

All the best..

I was thinking of this post as I was reading Steve’s blog here . Excellent suggestion.

Thanks for the link. I hadn't read this before. I'm in camp number 3, but need to be in camp number 1.

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