Theme Customisation - How is It Done?
Christmas is approaching and the goose are getting fat,
Please put a penny in the Old man's hat
If you haven't got a penny then 10 dollars will do...
WA family, I simply love you!
If anyone has a tune for this little ditty - let me know...
Now back to reality:
To make it clear, do you know how best I can customise Generate Press Avery theme?
I want to transfer 65 posts from my current theme as it is lacking in customisation features.
The new theme I have chosen also differs visually so I'm not sure how to re-do the formatting for the 65 posts.
I may have to customise the menus and get used to the new theme as well, which I don't mind, but am racing against the clock...
Kindly advise...
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You may check out Eric's blog, which covers tips and tricks specifically for GP.
Themes may differ visually, but the functionalities are the same. As noted in the live chat yesterday.
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If you have a spare siterubix subdomain to use you could ask site support set up a staging site as a copy of your main domain, do your changes there, and then have site support re-setup your main domain from the staging site.
There might be plugins on your main domain that won't work on the staging site for various reasons - they should sort themselves out when returned to the main domain. Also, when the main domain is reset you might need to do a few final adjustments so you should double check that all is working how you want it to.
;-) R