The Golden Taco Award for my 1st Blog Post โ€ฆ Finally

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Welcome to Cookn' Always

Hi there everybody~ I am Stacey and this is my very 1st blog post.

๐Ÿ† I have given myself the Golden Taco Award because I have been a member of WA for a little over 2 months and it took me this long to finally post a blog. ๐Ÿ˜‚ I have several fun articles on my website but I think this is where I need to be.

I have created this blog to express my absolute passion for cooking. It's more that just cooking though, I try to find ways to make comfort food a bit healthier and family favorites just as delicious as Mom did but with way less sodium and sugars, haha. For me cooking is far more than just a means to satiate hunger; it's a beautiful transformative practice that crafts experiences, shapes health, delivers pleasure, and cements memories. It's not just about tossing ingredients into a pot; it's also about the stories and emotions that intertwine with every bite. As long as I can remember I have memories of being in a kitchen with family. Music playing in the background, something simmering on the stove and more often than not a kitchen table full of chopping blocks and vegetables. You can ask my kids, family or girlfriends.... I can honestly say that I am ALWAYS COOKING! I love the planning of the meal and what the meal should represent whether it's a birthday or anniversary or taco Tuesday. Some may say that we shouldn't 'celebrate' with food because it sends the notion of food as gratification but in my book we are going to eat anyways so why WOULDN'T you celebrate what you are about to enjoy on your plate? ( This is a rhetorical question so if a physician or therapist does have a solid answer I do not want to hear it ) haha.

Walking into a home and smelling all of the flavors and aromas has the power to unlock a floodgate of memories. Think back to your grandma's homemade cookies or a spicy street food stall from that bustling market abroad. These are not just fleeting tastes, but poignant experiences that live on in your mind. Cooking doesn't only create new memories; it awakens those that lie dormant, bridging past and present through the universal language of food. It is our duty to keep our family recipes alive and teach our kids how to shop for and prepare these valuable traditions, maybe just a tad bit more nutritious now. We should be thankful for the opportunities we have to shop fresh meats and veggies to bring home to prepare.

The emotional resonance of cooking extends beyond individual experiences. It fosters community and connects people on a primal and loving level. Picture a family gathering where food is the centerpiece, or a group of friends or teammates sharing homemade dishes at a potluck. Each meal we create can be a vessel for storytelling, a reason to gather and share life's joys and sorrows. The emotional weight carried by these shared experiences is lasting, building bonds and nurturing relationships through the simple yet profound act of preparing and enjoying food together.

There's a lot of opportunity in understanding the influence of cooking on our wellbeing and social lives. As we uncover the layers of joy that culinary creativity brings, we begin to see how intertwined food is with our mental and physical health. Navigating this intricate relationship prepares us for the next part of our culinary exploration: delving into the intersection of food, health, and pleasure. This exploration is critical, as it shows us how we can turn every meal into an act of self-care without sacrificing the joy cooking brings.

My main vision here at Cookn' Always is to bring all the love and goodness of our favorite recipes together but I hope to cut down on sodium, extra sugars, excess dairy products and still provide delicious and nutritious end results that you and your family will love. My main passion is getting the little ones to start eating colorful whole foods from the early stages before they "pretend to knowโ€ what they don't like. I will be providing lots of easy and wholesome recipes that are kid tested and approved so that you can give them a try in your household...think gooey mac-n-cheese made with cauliflower and homemade chicken nuggets made with 4 ingredients that are baked and not fried, Mmmmm :)The Intersection of Food, Health, and Fun

Imagine you're biting into a dish that's not just delectable, but also nourishing to both your body and soul. That's the harmonious blend of food, health, and pleasure. In this section, I'm going to highlight how you can strike a balance between healthy nourishment and the sheer joy of cooking and eating. This isn't just about counting calories or indulging without a second thought; it's about creating a sustainable approach to eating that enhances your life and sustains your health in the long term.

Let's turn on some music in your kitchen & create an opportunity to discover new tastes and redefine comfort food. Integrating fresh, whole ingredients and experimenting with herbs and spices can elevate your cooking from fuel to feast, both in terms of nutrients and gastronomic pleasure for everyone involved.

In my opinion the key is to not worry too much about the occasional indulgences, it's mindful eating. It's the practice of savoring each bite and being present in the moment. It's that little smile you share with your child when they bite into something yummy that they love and that was prepared by you. By tuning in to your body, you can enjoy your favorite foods without overindulgence. It's about listening to what your body needs, whether it's the vitamins in a crunchy salad or the serotonin boost from a piece of dark chocolate or just the hydration that a big glass of water brings when you are thirsty. Enjoy it, enjoy EVERYTHING !!Creating Your Own Culinary Legacy: Tips and Inspiration

I'm here to help you turn every meal into a story worth telling. Building your own culinary legacy isn't reserved for professional chefs; you can start right in your kitchen. Choose something that resonates with you, maybe it's your grandmother's apple pie recipe or a fusion dish that brings together your cultural heritage. It's about adding your special touch to the flavors that shaped you so that now you will share with your favorite people. Throw on some Jackson 5 and start whippin' up those blueberry pancakes while telling stories about when you were younger cookin' or baking with your family.

Your kitchen is your lab, and every spice you add is a chance to create something unique. Ask your family what sounds good to them and maybe each person gets to choose a recipe for a night of the week. You will be surprised at how much more they will want to be involved if they feel like they are a part of the action.

Think about creating a cookbook with some of your family's favorites and why or who loves them. There may be some food restrictions in the bunch and that's totally ok. Some recipes we can improvise or add a substitute or two. If one person has a gluten intolerance, you can make a note of it in your cookbook. Some people actually grow out of food allergies too, so that would be a fun note in the book. Add photos with the recipes to look back on when you first started creating the recipes and how the kids looked. There are sites where you can have your cookbooks online nowadays.

So if you will allow me I would love to help you create your culinary legacy with your family. Let's accentuate your joy of cooking, sharing, and creating lasting memories. Express your identity, your history, and your passion through fun and food. I'd love to hear your feedback, so share your thoughts and let's embark on this delicious journey together.

And as always.... welcome to Cookn' Always!

Cheers, Stacey

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Your Golden Taco Award Post is a fun post to read. And makes me know that I need to improve my attitude about meal prep.

Someone has to do it, so setting the stage for a pleasant time instead of a chore time is a great start. That better start begins with a better mental state.

Thanks for reminding me,

Aww thank you Sami, I fully recognize that cooking after a long day is hardly a desirable task. But yes, you said it, someone has to and I agree that it does have a lot to do with mind set. So set your mind to 'I GET the pleasure of making dinner for my favorite people' instead of it being a burden. It'll take a few times :)) It's very hard to witness so many families constantly in the drive-thru line or the dozens of pizza boxes that some collect. It honestly makes me sad because I know what a routine like that does to a person, not to mention a young child who is still developing and growing. If we have to cut some veggies and make a dinner for our family- lets make it fun and switch the standard from "ughh- I have to make dinner!" to "what should we make for dinner, guys?" After a few times it will set the tone and be a bit easier. I have a fun article about including kids in the kitchen at meal time in my blog. It's actually one of my most popular. Give it a read if you get a second, it's fun!
Thanks again Sami, Take Care :)

A fun and informative post, Stacey! ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ˜Ž

Frank ๐ŸŽธ

Thanks Frank, It's just the beginning and I'm still trying to figure it out :)

No worries, you're doing great! ๐Ÿ‘

Frank ๐ŸŽธ

I love it, Stacey :) Great effort here.

Thanks Friend ! I am trying :)

You are welcome :)

Congrats on your 1 st WA Blog post keep creating more post and don't forget your website that is where you posts matter the most.

Well done and keep moving forward.


Congratulations on your 1st blog at WA.
The golden taco award ( lol ) will look good sitting on your shelf. I await with bated breath, and rumbling stomach, the many recipes I believe you will deliver to us.


Haha, thats hilarious ! Thank you funny :)

Hey Stacey,

Really great to hear that you're taking action on what you're learning here at WA! You've got a website up and running, some articles written already, and you've shown that you've got a knack for writing with your post here in WA!

Posting content on your website frequently important as you get started. You want to build your content so that you can begin applying to affiliate programs so that you can begin placing links on the site that will generate you revenue. For many companies, they will want to see 10+ articles on your site before they approve your affiliate application, so keep on publishing on your site :)

You seem really motivated and excited about your new Journey of building an online business and we'll be here at each step of the way to help you be successful!

Let me know if you have questions or need a hand with anything as you move forward in the training!

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