Chaos on Ice

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Step right up, folks! Picture this: four kids vibrating with excitement as we embark on our grand adventure to witness the enchantment of Disney on Ice. Now, brace yourselves, because what follows is a tale of hyperactive joy that could give a hurricane a run for its money.

As we climbed on the bus, I got ready to tame the wild beasts of anticipation. Little did I know, my foursome of pint-sized performers had other plans. The energy levels soared faster than Elsa's snowflakes, and any hopes of a calm, composed audience experience were swiftly slipping away like Cinderella's glass slipper.


Who knew "Let It Go" could be performed in four-part harmony by children who've never heard the term "indoor voice"? The acoustics of the bus surely did justice to their spirited serenade.

Do you think anyone will notice if I get off the bus without them?

Wish me luck……. I need it!

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I have worked Disney on Ice many times, I am one of the crew that makes the ice, you will see me on the mini Zam during intermission. The energy I feel backstage is enormous with all the little princesses and princes in attendance. Oh you must of had one heck of a time, and the stories they will tell about that night and adventure over the years to come will be well worth the crazy hair doo you came home with. My mother used to say that we were messing up her hair by frying her brains from making her crazy! Oh, good times. My baby sister and I still share memories from our childhood back in the 70s.

Super David Scott, the Zam Man.

Reflecting on my interactions with children: As they mature, you find yourself longing for the small habits that once bothered or embarrassed you. Seize those moments because they are temporary. By the way, you have a beautiful family.

Run away now is my advice Sophie!!

And that is only the bus journey!!!

I wish you much more than just plain old luck my friend!!

Stay strong, positive, find the nearest bar and enjoy yourself!!

First off you have such a beautiful family, and boy do I remember those days.
I felt exactly what you had just been through, we climbed into the mini van and it was Alvin and the chipmunks, and grandma got run over by a reindeer, of course, my kids had to put their spin on it no indoor voice at all. As I rekindled those times I think back and now my kids thank me for being there for them and having fun. back then I always thought my kids were some of fun-loving. goofy kids but I would not trade them for a minute. cherish them and hold them extra close as they grow up way too fast. And before you know it, these memories will be of the past. I have 3 grown kids now, but taking them to the skating rink for birthday parties usually wound up with scuffed knees from falling or even some swollen finger from other skaters rolling over my daughter's hand. That is what began my medical field career.
I have a new adventure that is with WA.

The best of luck to you here in Wealthy Affiliate, Sophie!


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