Your Content Has Been Indexed

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If you have read some of my previous posts, you know that I have been struggling with the focus for my lifeinthemind blog. No matter what I did, I felt like my content and focus was forced. Like I was forcing myself to fit into a specific niche, because my true focus of life as a Breast Cancer survivor seemed a bit too vague.

I took a step back and focused on another site for a bit, and slowly the pieces started to fall into place. I suddenly had a name for my site, and my true focus finally started to seem clear. In my head it is primarily a lifestyle blog, with a day in the life focus of surviving breast cancer by taking each day one day at a time.

I know some may interpret my focus as still being a bit too vague, but this is what seems right to me. Somewhere along the way I had gotten so focused on promoting "product" that my true focus got lost in the shuffle.

So, for the first time in about a month I created a new blog post for my site entitled "Finding Your Voice - The struggle is real. This was the first time I used Site Content to create a new blog post, and I just got the email today saying that my post had been indexed by Google. So in less than 24 hrs my post has been found. I never expected it to be so fast, especially since my site is still relatively new.

I still have to work on my existing content, and figure out how I am going to fit products into the mix. But as Kyle has said, focus first on building your authority and brand in a specific area, the rest can come later. It took me awhile to finally come to this realization as I had been so focused on the money, when I didn't have the traffic base to get me there.

Since Google found my post so quickly, it can only go upwards from here.

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Congrats Jennifer! My personal experience with Google is - if you write from your heart, it gets indexed within days or sometimes hours. But if you manipulate the information, your blog never takes even one step forward. My first blog was the mix of 20 blogs on the same topic - which never got indexed. I still have it on my published contents and not deleted as a reminder to be clean and work with your heart. Every blog is my own baby and indexed on google as well.
Wish you all the best for your journey with WA.

Warm Regards,
Gaurav Gaur

That is a great point! Plugins like Yoast SEO that are designed to help improve our SEO, actually end up having somewhat of a negative effect because we end up spending too much time trying to make the stats "happy" instead of focusing on our own unique voice. My goal is to now focus on sharing my story, instead of trying to obtain optimal SEO settings.

And I can vouch for you that soon all your posts on the website will be indexed to take off for monetization. All the best.

Great read, write what you know and you can’t loose,
Many blessings

You are so right! Of course, it took me awhile to come to that realization. For some reason, I kept trying to force myself into what had worked for others instead of finding my own path.

Congrats Jennifer! Site Content is awesome and it is a great way to know when your content does get indexed.

I just wish I started using it sooner. I had been doing all my content directly in Wordpress. Live and learn.

Congrats! I'm so happy that it all came into focus for you. I know you've been struggling with it for a while. but I knew you'd do it! Very happy for you!

Thanks! It always seems when you stop thinking about something that things come into focus. I still have some tweaking to do, but it's slowly coming together.

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