Stopped by Perfectionism
I've been stopped in my tracks by perfectionism. I'm not willing to continue overthinking or allowing my perfection to stop me from moving forward. I cannot seem to finish a single keyword rich post because I have a vision of what it should be like and can't seem to get everything quite right.
My niche is extremely specific as it relates to a specific dieting/way of eating or healthy lifestyle that is very strict. I feel that in some instances there are other websites that have already covered parts of what I want to say. I keep wanting to simply direct people to that information but I'm not sure if that decreases my own credibility and if it will hurt me in the long run.
I don't have a ton of time to write as a working single foster mom who needs to be making money at the same time as I learn how to do this an build my site. Its hard for me to come up with all the content i need to realy get started. I feel a bit overwhelmed.
Please if anyone can give some insight or encouragement on this score, I would appreciate some insight. One of my thoughts is to link to outside content at the begin as I continue to work on my own content to replace it. If this seems like a viable way to create my initial content please let me know. I need experineced help.
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Hello Ashley
Fancy meeting you here :-)
One thing about not publishing because it's not perfect is this: it will ensure failure.
I have published stuff that I cringe about later but guess what, sometimes that is what gets the most attention!
Sometimes we have have to count, 3, 2, 1 and hit that publish button. You can always go back to it and tweak it when you have time.
Blessings to you, have faith in yourself :-)
Louise x
Thanks, I know this in my head, I think I was just telling myself a story about not wanting to send people away form my website as soon as they get there. Now that I have that story changed I can let go of the perfectionism and the need to have everything ready before I start.
Hi - actually, it will increase your credibility with Google, as it is recommended to have both external and internal links.
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You have to get into the frame of mind where you post good articles and not perfect ones. What seems perfect to you may not seem perfect to others.
Once you have posted you can always come back and change some of what you have written but perfection is impossible.
Thank you for the Encouragement