Online Digital Nomad - My Vision

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My ideal lifestyle is to become a professional digital nomad. Traveling all over the world with a laptop, camera, and my one knapsack.

Some people have been working their business in Wealthy Affiliate for many years now and are earning top incomes. This is inspiring to say the least!

I like the lifestyle of a digital nomad for what resonates with me.

Freedom to move.

Unlimited earning potential.

Networking with people from all cultures.

No boss.

Training can be done online.

A small amount of capital investment.

Work anywhere there is an internet connection

My goals are clear and I will persist every day doing all I can to build my business online.

Waking up with enthusiasm because I have this Wealthy Affiliate platform to work on. With all the training and all the friends helping tips for success.

Making money on the internet seems like foreign ground. Until you are shown anything it is all new.

My steps for success are

  1. Tune attention to focusing on passion
  2. Research niche
  3. Learn every day
  4. Take breaks from studying
  5. Write reasons for Why want to succeed
  6. Post reminders all over
  7. Become accountable to a friend
  8. When strangers ask what you do "Speak your passion as it already exists"
  9. Do a financial budget fortnightly.
  10. Network and grow associations.
  11. Listen to uplifting motivational audios rather than TV and radio.
  12. Help others grow their business

Okay so now it is your turn!

What success factors do you my friends incorporate into your life to achieve your goals?

I really want to learn and share with others to get better perspectives for growing an online business.

Thanks for your valuable time.

Kind regards

Erica Golding :)

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    Recent Comments


    Digital nomad totally resonates with me too, Erica. Great goals! Financing travel through online means would be incredibly freeing. Keep working for your dreams :-)


    Thanks so much, Susan, Yes it would be so freeing for sure. I believe it can be done.

    Thanks so much for your comments


    Sounds pretty awesome, Erica! I'm glad that you know exactly what you want to do! I've never been much for traveling, but it is people just like yourself that allow me to virtually trvel anywhere in the world with all the wonderful information and videos, which is quite appealing to me, especially in today's world where they continually make tt more difficult to do!

    I just love writing my books and running my little businesses, and also prepping my Book Promo site and my Woocommerce site!

    I seldom have the opportunity to get away anyway, because there is always something to do right where I am!

    Keep succeeding on your terms! Well done!


    Thanks so much, Jeff,

    You put another way to look at travel from home. You are right we get to meet wonderful people from all over the world right from the comfort of our homes.
    I wish you continued success writing your books and with the growth of your Woocommerce site.

    Thanks so much for commenting.

    You're very welcome, Erica!

    Thanks for your kind wishes, and keep living oyur desired lifestyle and working the way oyu are comfortable with!


    I am working on the exact same goal right now, earning online while traveling. I love it!
    My steps for success look a lot like yours. I have one additional step: I keep a gratitude and success diary. Every night I write down what I am grateful for and what I consider to be a success during that day.
    Good luck with your work-while-traveling-ambition, go go go!

    Thanks so much for your reflections of your business. It sounds exciting!
    I love the gratitude diary and reflecting on daily achievements that’s a great idea thanks.

    That's a wonderful ambition, Erica. Just about the most satisfying lifestyle imaginable. Don't suppose you're looking for a travelling companion :-)

    Thanks so much, Phil. Yes so true! Imagine a source of income financing ongoing travel.

    Kind regards
    Erica :)

    Yes and no.

    Some folks (Digital Nomads) I came across as scams, due diligence is a must.

    However, from a description point of view it is a great endeavor.

    Thank you for sharing.

    Thanks, Abie, yes I have seen some unreputable online scams since investigating. That is why I love Wealthy Affiliates so much because they are a genuine organization that helps to grow an online business.

    Thanks for your comments

    Kind regards

    Thank you Erica, appreciate your comment.

    Hope you are having a super fruitful day.

    Thanks so much Abie, You are welcome

    You have a wonderful day also :)

    Much obliged and best wishes.

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