Google Paid Advertising - Weighing up the Value

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Hello my Fellow Entrepreneurs,

Building a business is not a walk in the garden, it is a momentous step of dedication, hard work, persistence, research, training and fourth sight.

I have discovered many things since embarking into online business and it does vary greatly from traditional retail shop fronts along with the market stall.

As I am building an e-commerce website I am certainly taking on a larger challenge than affiliate marketing.

As WA points out with affiliate marketing there is no need to buy stock or store stock or deliver items and pay for wages for employee's, unless paying for some freelancing writing of blogs.

There is absolutely a lot more work in an e-commerce website, as you need to decide if you are going to make the produce, or pay someone to make it, or buy wholesale.

Then you need to take stock photos of each product and upload with descriptions to the website.

The obvious part of building the website from scratch is it is a huge adventure!

and I must say is a fraction of the cost with a Premium or Premium Plus membership at Wealthy Affiliate then paying a contractor to do if for you.

Because for one advantage is having the in depth training provided here at WA, along with the 24 hour site support.

Also leaving your website in someone else's hands does give way to some issues like reliability and maintenance updating.

Along with that, is to pay for someone else's time is in the tens of thousands of dollars each month!

I am getting to my point of this blog post and it is

I had an free hour appointment with a Google advertising expert today and it was most enlightening to say the least.

Did you know from Google Data?

That to get 30 sales a month averaging around $100 each sale.

You would need 1500 clicks on your paid advertisement per month.

And with a 2% conversion rate, that gives you $1.10 return on your paid investment!

That being said, that the advertising amount for that prediction would be $2670 per month, which would then on average return you $3000.

So working that out, it means you might profit $330 per month.

And that is not taking into consideration any operation expenses of the business!

And as I am quoting this data, it all depends on your website and products, along with other factors, like the season!

(There is no guarantee that your paid advertising will profit)

I mean like wow hey!

So in my mind working hard as WA, teaches us, with writing key rich blogs to get ranked in Google for free is the preferred way to go, unless you have unlimited copious amounts of money to build your business.

That is my experience to date!

Work hard my friends, you can win πŸ†

Let me know any thoughts or experiences in my comment section, I will be happy to know what everyone thinks!

Kind regards

Erica ~ The jewellery designer producing heirlooms for the future generations!

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Recent Comments


Very interesting to learn, Erica! I think the world of paid ads can be tricky unless you know what you're doing. Thanks for sharing and hope all is well with you!

Susan 😎

Hello Susan, thanks so much for sharing your thoughts,

Yes for sure paid advertising is something that needs to be researched thoroughly.

I am going well my friend, summer here and it is a hot one!

I hope all is well with you also :)

Kind regards

Great to hear from you as always Erica!

I have always been wary about moving into the world of paid advertising.... if one doesn't know what they are really doing then it has the potential to cost a lot of cash for nothing!!

But then again, become an expert in it and the earnings can be immense!

Take care my friend and enjoy a wonderful week!


Thanks so much Nick for your perspective, and comments.

I agree there can be a lot to think about and it needs to be taken step for step,

I will be doing the WA's PPC training soon to get more ideas!

Kind regards

You're most welcome Erica and I intend to get into that training as well at some point!

Have a fantastic festive season my friend!


Thanks so much Nick, you too have a great festive season πŸŽ„

Have an awesome new year too :)

I intend to relax and not do much my friend!

You too!


That is a good idea Nick,

For myself I am on a mission with my website, lots of implementing happening :)


That's also a fantastic idea Erica, and I will definitely do a bit there as well as I am basically on holiday for two weeks!!


Awesome Nick,

Happy holidays :)

Happy Holidays my friend!!


Thanks for sharing your experience with paid advertising.
This is how we can most help each other, by sharing.

Hello Sami, thanks so much for your point of view and I totally appreciate the value of sharing also!

Kind regards

Some great information, Erica! You are succeeding. Keep moving forward!


Thanks so much Jeff, I totally appreciate the challenge to keep succeeding.

All in a day it is amazing what can happen!

Kind regards

You will truly be surprised, Erica!


Thanks so much Jeff, I know right life is full of surprises :)


It certainly is, Erica!


Take care Jeff :)

You too, Erica!

Thanks Jeff :)

You're very welcome, Erica!


With this, I learned that carrying an inventory is the best thing you can do for an e-commerce website. However, that's not always feasible. For example, your operational processes may suffer if you depend on dropshipping or third-party courier deliveries. Consequently, your customer service may suffer as well.

I would start with a blog and update it with regular posts to drive organic traffic to your website or to merchants' websites. Do this until you know your website earns commissions, and then you can scale up with paid ads.

Unless, of course, you already know what you are doing. In that case, you can test processes and find a sweet spot for scaling. If you don't know, then I suggest learning the processes, as there's a good chance you may lose money.

Also, with paid ads, the traffic stops once you stop funding them.

Thanks Abie for your suggestions,

yes for sure the traffic stops once paid advertising stops...

Kind regards

You're awesomely welcome, Erica :)

😊have a nice day Abie

Thanks, you too Erica :)



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