FEAR Based Selling - Reasons to Avoid

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(picture of a painting of man with hands on head screaming)

Hello my dear Fellow Entrepreneurs,

I hope everyone is doing ok and progressing with their personal missions.

I experienced something in my social media account yesterday, that alarmed me greatly.

I was promoting some of my handmade beaded jewellery in a post on my personal newsfeed in Facebook and I found my post to be attracting a lot of attention with my friends.

This was certainly great as I often put my website link into those posts. And hence this improves my SEO for my website.

The thing is as I am proceeding to explain is that due to my post attracting attention,

What was happening was my profile was attracting certain advertisements due to the Facebook Algorithms.

And the Advertisements were from a competitor website building hosting company.

I found that it pulled me into the advertisement, as it was using a New AI Video.

I end up clicking on their link to research further.

And what I found out during that process was that the company was using FEAR Base Selling!

This type of selling triggers the brain to a response to the advertisement and as a result I end up making a purchase!

I ultimately asked for a Refund once I had come to my senses literally.

And the only reason I got to get a Refund was I found their support and raised a complaint.

I really want to emphasize the rising issues of FEAR Base Selling going to extremes now with hyper images and videos.

This is will cause a mass plague of IMPULSE BUYING

Okay so you might be saying that is Great!

But no to the contrary it is down right manipulating and soul destroying to the victims of this type of selling.

Impulse Buying ruins lives.

And the truth of the matter to this type of selling is that they are using forms of Hypnotherapy.

They are using trigger music and trigger hyper images to cause a FEAR Base Purchase.

The Reasons to Avoid this are

You are not building long term customers that are 100% satisfied.

You can harm people and their family.

It is illegal.

It is immoral.

It is against human rights to use hypnotherapy against peoples natural will.

Okay I am really concerned with this and I am proud that Wealthy Affiliate teaches marketing as building trust with people and to be moral and honest when promoting a product.

Please take head my friends :)

Be on high guard for being brainwashed!

Wishing you all the best in your passions and motivations!

Kind regards

Erica ~ The jewelllery designer producing heirlooms for future generations!

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Recent Comments


Thanks for post, great one,


Thanks so much Clo, I do appreciate your kind words thanks.

Kind regards

Thanks and appreciate






I have not seen these ads, Erica, or I am immune to them. It might be the latter since I don't trust anybody until I know them.

Thank you for the warning. I will be on the lookout for them now.

Hello Dave, thanks for your thoughts and yes me too I am very careful before laying up trust,

but that is exactly the issue happening here is with

hyper images and hyper videos

is that they are literally controlling the brain when looking at them :(

Kind regards

It's hard to understand why people make the leap to underhanded methods. I liken them to pickpockets.


Yes for sure they are thieves yes they are :(

They are creating billions of dollars with this kind of Fear based selling marketing :(

Wishing you all the best 🌻


O - 😱

Yes exactly Fleeky 😱😩

Kind regards

Yes, I got sucked into one of those fear-selling Facebook ads. It was a supposed cure for tinnitus. They used all the fear-selling techniques. Since I did not buy I am going to be like Biden very soon. LOL Further research revealed a scam. Buyer beware!

Thanks so much Howard for sharing your experience, it is so sad to say the least!

Wishing you find a cure for that tinnitus, I know how horrible that is as my dad suffered tinnitus,

Kind regards

Thanks, Erica! They say there is no cure for it, but I am hopeful. There are things we can do not to make it worse, but giving up wine and coffee is just not doable for me! LOL

Dear Howard I am sorry to hear this about no cure, however we never know what the future may bring for medical issues :)

Enjoy your coffee ,me too I wont give that up :) as it is great for the brain haha

Some are scams; be aware! :)

Yes for sure dear Abie :)

Kind regards

No problems :) Thank you.


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