Working So Hard


Work has been affecting my progress here at WA for the last four years.

By the way, I love my job so much and I couldn't exchange it for something else. You might be wondering what kind of job do I actually do? Well, my job is a Community Worker helping the elderly for the past 8 years. They encouraged me to continue living and doing the best I can to help them on a weekly basis.

They make me laugh and everyday that I put a smile on their faces, it makes them happy.

It brightens their day for some reason that I joke with them a lot just to distract them from what they are going through.

Well, it's my time now to go for another holiday overseas and I am going to miss them and probably miss the community here too.

I have prepared myself with bringing some notes so I can still blog while I am away if I am not busy. I have learnt alot here and the help that I needed is always spot on. A big thank you to everyone here for offering their time to help where it is needed.

So far with adsense I have earned over $16.. and hopefully if I continue to blog which is my aim now to do so twice a week, I could increase it more. That would be my goal and looking forward to do product reviews starting from next year.

My biggest hurdle is trying to post on Social Media which I am being slow in that area, but I am prepared to do that from now on. I have still got a lot to learn so keep learning everyone and wishing you all a Merry Christmas and New Year 2019 with Wealth and Happiness to come.

Best Wishes to all....

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Hi Darusila - You are doing so great and receiving some income and this will grow the more great content you add
All the very best to you for Xmas and 2019 as well

Hi Vicki, thank you. It's just a start and eventually, some positive results will come next year. I wish you success too and maybe we'll be sharing our success in the future. Cheers!

A start is so great so keep growing step by step Silah :)

Congratulations on all that you have accomplished so far.
Most have a hard time with a full-time job, but you seem
to have found a good balance for your life and that is
so wonderful.

Thank you, Susan. Yes, I am finding time now to concentrate on here and hopefully, we'll see some end results in the months ahead.
Wish you success and hope you enjoy your Christmas and New Year with your family.

You sound like you really enjoy your job. That's awesome. I know you don't get the chance to work on your site much, but just keep at it when you can and hopefully your schedule will open up a bit more so you can be more consistent with it.

I hope you have safe upcoming travels and wishing you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year as well.

Kind regards,

Thank you, Yvette. I will certainly do that. Again, enjoy the rest of the season.

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