My progress to date!


Well I’m six week in and thought I’d be a bit further than I am, I’m 90% through the initial training, having fallen behind in the website creation category, a few things didn’t quite go my way, no point in enumerating them, but I have to say, the site support I have been receiving has been outstanding so much so that sometimes they don’t just tell or advise you how to complete something but actually fix it themselves!

And of course, the support from the members has also been wonderful! I'm hopeful I’ll have my first website up and running in the next couple of weeks!

The niche I’ve chosen is “Weight Loss” which I found to be a very significant niche and I expect that to be a fairly lucrative niche to be involved in!

I’ve been involved in the computer field for decades having designed many financial programs with great success, but this field of designing websites and affiliate marketing is a whole new ball game to me and find this new chapter in my life quite exhilarating, especially at my age, damn, I’ve been retired for nearly thirty years, what am I doing here?

I mean I’m back to working twelve hours a day which is ridicules, but hey I get involved during the day, I get a problem and there’s no way I’m retiring until I can find a solution, well most times, such is the interest that I’ve developed in this new venture, my daughters think I’ve lost it, but I remind them, if I make few bob out of this venture we’ll all go on a world trip and that shuts them up!!

My goals in the next three months – getting one or two websites up and running and my goal beyond that, well I’m going cruising with my girls, end of story!

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Recent Comments


Thanks for the update Sydney and keep up the fantastic progress my friend!

Sharing your progress is awesome! You are doing very well! Keep on keeping on! Let the positive energy flow! You are closer to reaching your goal!

Maria 🌹

Sidney, thank you for sharing your progress
You've done well with your on your journey.

Your niche is weight loss, that's awesome. Who is your target audience?

Mainly those who have difficulty in losing weigh and others who need help!

That's awesome. It can't be for everyone, so do you have a main age range in mind? Or gender?

No Newme202, overweight is an affliction that can affect all, whatever gender or age!


Awesome Sidney, you are moving right along and it sounds like you working out a schedule for yourself based on the time that you have. You are doing great!

Thanks Kyle, the only problem I've found is it's interrupted my sleeping regime!

Very awesome, indeed, Sidney! WA is the best place to be for oyu to really accomplish some things, my friend! Keep succeeding!


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