Wealthy Affiliate Beginners


Those of you who have just joined Wealthy Affiliate (or are contemplating joining) might be wondering if the Wealthy Affiliate platform is designed for beginners, or online marketers with some experience under their belts.

While there is definitely plenty of value here for more experienced marketers, the official training is designed for beginners in mind. It sets you off on the right footing, showing you one step at a time how to build a solid foundation for your online business and do things the right way from the very start.

The Official Training

While there are many smaller trainings here on Wealthy Affiliate, contributed by both the owners and the members, there are 2 major official training courses. Both have some similarities, while targeting different segments of the market.

  1. Online Entrepreneur Certification
  2. Affiliate Bootcamp

I recommend starting off with the first one, the Online Entrepreneur Certification, as Affiliate Bootcamp is aimed at people wanting to target the make money online niche and actively promote Wealthy Affiliate. I believe you are better off leaving the Bootcamp training until you have learnt how to make money online yourself.

So start with the first one, which is where you learn to set up an affiliate marketing business around a passion, or something that really interests you. You will find it both easier and more fun to do.

How Hard Is It for Beginners?

There is a learning curve, no doubt about it, but the lessons are done in such a way that it's very easy to apply what you learn and you can work at your own pace. Co owner, Kyle, does all the lessons and they are a mix of both text and videos.

The lessons are designed to take complete beginners, with no experience, through to having a beautiful affiliate website up and running, filling it with content, learning how to attract visitors to your website and monetise it so you can earn an income.

Anyone can do this, and Wealthy Affiliate is full of people of all ages and backgrounds, and from countries all across the globe.

The Community Is Here To Help

The other great thing about this place is you will find that everyone on here is very helpful. Some are beginners just like you, while others have been here for some time and can readily answer any questions or queries you might have. There is a real attitude of paying it forward here, and everyone wants to see everyone else succeed.

Wealthy Affiliate Is Free To Try

Unlike most other online training platforms, at Wealthy Affiliate you can join for free to test things out. You can even complete the first 10 lessons of the training on the free membership, as well as create 2 free websites with hosting.

While you can remain free as long as you like, it really is worth upgrading to a Premium Membership after a while. This way you can access all of the training, and maintain complete access to the community and everything else the platform offers.

Wealthy Affiliate is definitely beginner-friendly, but at the same time offers immense value to more experienced online marketers as well. Every day I learn something new here, and I've been here over 2 years now.

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4-Steps to Success Class
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Millionaire Mentorship
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Recent Comments


Very clear and well-written, thanks! Best wishes for your continued success!


Great post Darren, well said.



This is an excellent community to learn and try out new things for online business.

It's a great track and journey!

Very good post I will copy it and read in my own time

Thanks , and this is so true. I have been herr for something and I have learnt quite a fair bit too. It is the only network community who can retain the meme era the longest time. Wealthy Affiliate has been around for more than a decade and thy have been the most stable, non-biased marketer company to-dates,. Love being around the community.

Thanks for sharing :)

Sometimes beginners are a bit hesitant. I was at first.

So was I.

This is so well written for people still sitting on the fence and wondering whether they should join or not. This blog would have definitely persuaded me to join if I was still having to make that choice.

Thanks for your feedback :)

Wealthy Affiliate is the place to be

It sure is.

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