Dream, Smile, Be Confident, Slow Down!

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This is now my second week in WA, and I'm just loving it. While I plan to work on my business full-time (the business that I have now created through WA), it does make my other jobs difficult, as I'm so keen on getting this business started. Here are a few things that I try to remember, and may help you too.


Follow through with your dreams. Dream big, create goals to help achieve this dream. And if you’ve just joined, and you don’t particularly have a dream, you may just find one in WA! I know I have!


Eliminate fear. Fear often equals anxiety, and usually there was no reason to feel fearful in the first place, especially when you think “what is the worst that can happen?” A tip on anxiety, to quote one of my own articles “the flight or fight response in certain situations can help us avoid danger. But sometimes we can become so worried about a perceived threat, and it may not actually happen. Our worries get in the way of daily living". Therefore, it is important to break this habit straight away. Use positive self-talk to get you through.


The fact that you’re here starting something new, shows your confidence – keep it going and feel confident in all that you do, but be adaptable to constructive feedback, this will help you improve. You’ll become an expert and have even more reason to feel confident.


Smile as often as you can, even when things are tough. Conversing with others and using a sense of humour here and there, helps lighten things up. Sometimes when you step outside of something you feel stuck in – just to chat and have a laugh with someone, you’ll often feel the problem wasn’t that bad.


If you work hard, you'll make progress, and the more you strive for success the more you’ll make gains. But it is also important to have breaks. And more importantly, breathe! Slow down, if you do, you’ll do it well, which will make the journey much more satisfying.

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I love your style!

Thank you kindly, Fleeky :-)

Thank you for your positive and inspirational post.
You have the right mindset and you are destined for great things here at WA.
Best of luck to you!
Colette and Philip

Yipeee, this encouragement certainly keeps me going! Thank you! All the best!
Shelley and Ian :-)

Thanks ShelleyAnn.

Instructional, inspirational, motivational.

I would only add, for those who are believers to also pray. It will address the fear, anxiety or any other impediment we may encounter by recognizing that our Creator is in control and that we may not always see the blessings in store for us.

Below is a brief excerpt from UPPER ROOM"s "Defender" [Watch the official video On YouTube) which I find to be on point:

"And when I thought I lost me...
You knew where I left me
You reintroduced me to Your love

And You picked up all my pieces
Put me back together
You are the defender of my heart."


Nice share Shelley :)

Thank you Vicki :-)

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