Wealthy Affiliate Paid for my LAMBORGHINI !

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Yep you read that right, There is no Click Bait here! Thanks to Wealthy Affiliate I was able to get my hands on my ultimate dream car. Paid for entirely by the profits from my Niche Website. It's a REAL Lamborghini too not a model or anything...Not Just any Lamborghini either, a 612BHP Lamborghini Huracan. And yes that is the ACTUAL car in the picture above.

Awseome right!

I guess you are all thinking, "so how did you do it?"

Let me explain.

First up, an apology, I said this wasn't click bait, and while it's not completely click bait, and everything I have said is 100% true, it's not quite as it seems.

Unfortunately I don't actually OWN the Car in question :(

I did however HIRE it for a 24 hour period. And used the income from my travel website to pay for the hire costs. Whats more it wasn't a jolly, it was a bonefide investement.

So this post is a little explanation of life as a "travel blogger" and what you can expect from running a niche website within WA and an update on my sites progress. Oh and maybe a few snaps from our trip!

I run a Travel Blog and the very concept of the blog is to go places and experience everything to let potential visitors what a place is like. Our latest trip was to VEGAS and one of the things on offer is Exotic Car Rentals. So to explain this fully I had to experience it...I know, The hardships We Travel Bloggers have to endure!

Not only did I re-invest income to pay for this, I even used the site as a bit of leaverage to get a discount. I am not big enough to expect things for free just yet but I offered a few of the companies some extensive exposure in exchange for a discount, and one comapny was more than happy to accept! I wanted 20-30% off, he offered 50%. Exotic Car Rental is expensive and 50% is A LOT of money.

So I took the car for a day and enjoyed the experice of lamborghini ownership for a full day. before having to give it back :( in that time I filmed, photographed, and documented the entire experience which will now be blogged about and plastered all over youtube.

The Car?...it was utterly phenominal, I have always loved fast Cars and owned quite a few, but nothing comes close to the visceral and extreme noise and acceleration of this thing. It really was one of the best experiences of my life!

The Trip itself was also pretty mindblowing. We rampaged around Las Vegas largly for free, or at least partly comped and even the things we did neeed to pay for were all factired into the website and the money will eventually be recouped and hopfully several times over.

We Saw Shows, Dined like kings (Unlimited Lobster, Steak and Champagne?) Saw Shows, Hit the Clubs, Gambled, Soared down the strip in a chopper, and stayed in some fantastic hotel rooms!

We then hit the open road and visited:

Zion National Park - a Stunning Canyon system with incredible scenery and amazing hikes such as Angels Landing a 2000ft rock outcrop that sees you walking 1ft wide rock ledges with 2000ft drops ever side (will make a great Youtube Vid)

Bryce Cnayon National park - Sunrise and Sunset at this gorgous geologial formation.

Page Arizona - Lake Powell, Antelope Canyon and Horsehoe bend

Grand Canyon National Park - Sunset at the World Famous Grand Canyon

Route 66 - Driving the most famous road in the world into Los Angeles, Desert, Dust Devils, Ghost Towns and Gun Fights.

Disneyland - Happiest Place on EARTH! (maybe)

San Diego - Finally a chill out, and Sea World, San Diego Zoo, Speedboats, Cruises Sea Lions and Scuba Diving!

A truly unforgettable trip and basically fully funded by our Website. So I am actaully able to call this "Work" ...lol

Site Progress Update

Overall the Site is doing incredible. After the winter slump things picked up in April and through May have soared to new heights. Traffic has trippled since the start of the year

Before April 2019 the site was barely breaking even, making only a few sporadic sales, and with the expenses of making business trip the business was at a big loss. Now heading through 2019 and into 2020 it is starting to make good money.

Hopefully this will help all those stuck in that still not making money stage, wavering on quiting, thinking this is all a scam. I was really close after 12months of nothing and when Black Friday Renewal came around, I was very near to pulling the plug. I just listened to that voice in my head that just said, keep going, trust the system.

Slowly and surely things just got better and better.

My Travel Site is a regualar Niche Website, using nothing but the standard WA training. almost all my traffic is organic and very high quality. This converts very well. It is 2 1/2 years old atm.

I am still only really getting good returns from 3/4 of the products I promote and there is the potential for so much more than I am seeing atm. If all of my products were performing the same as my best product I would be seeing 10x the profit! So there is still room for alot more growth. And then there is a million more products out there to promote.

I am still doing no advertising either. I intend to use Media vine, once I meet the traffic reuirements of which I am 75% of the way there so this is another potential income stream.

Overall it's very very exciting and I can't wait to see what happen over the coming peak months in the Travel sector.

In Short WA Rocks!


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Recent Comments


Very inspirational Steve.

What is truly amazing is the incredibly difficult niche you picked. I travel a lot(Vegas about 15 times, almost every Caribbean Island, half dozen Club Med holidays, 14 cruises, Europe etc.) and I am constantly getting bombarded by travel sites wanting me to book with them.

So I can see where your competition is coming from.

What I would be interested in knowing is how many words is your average post, how many posts do you estimate you have and do you also promote Wealthy Affiliate or just concentrate on your travel site?

I am probably too "wordy" My posts are LONG

I would say the average is 3000 ish but key posts can and do go over 5000, I even have one near 10,000.

I try and look at it as I say what is needed, no more, no less.

Currently, I have around 250 pages and posts.

Things started moving around 150 posts and after around 12 months, but things really went off once I hit 200+ posts.

Unfortunately, in competitive niches, this is what is required to make headway.

While the WA system works it is not a "scheme" or a get rich quick thing it's a genuine way to build a real and worthwhile business!

I love it! I've always thought of having a travel blog after I get my first site producing good money (enough for me to travel and write about it).

I have always wanted to rent an exotic car so it's nice to hear it may be an option and that I should contact them about marketing beforehand. Sounds like I should follow your site to get an idea of your tips and tricks for travel blogging once I'm ready, hopefully, sooner than later.

Yeah, when I first how much exotic rental was in Vegas I knew i had to have one, and blogging about it just made it even better

We do love the fact that with the travel blog the more we earn the more travel and the more we travel the more we can earn !

Thanks for sharing Steve ! Great inspirational post and I loved your photos.

Thanks Jay

Glad we inspired you


This is excellent, Steve. Thank you for sharing your wins. It gives new people like me hope to start and keep going even when things don't look so good for the first 6-12 months.

Yep, this is the main message of the post, the system really does work, if you put the required work time and patience in.

Glad we can inspire you


Great post I actually clicked on your post to see how you earned enough to buy that beautiful car, I enjoyed the post and seeing the places you visited. thanks.


Glad you enjoyed the post

Awesome inspiring! and it appeared to be a great experience. Rented or not, everyone can't rent a Lambo. So, I'm sure this will boost your site exposure pretty well.

Thank you for sharing.

Hi yeah we have tons and tons of new content to get written up about this trip now


All I can say is WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hey Stephen,

Happy to know that you are
doing pretty well in a competitive
niche like travel.

You really deserve the success
you are enjoying.

Keep going and do keep us
updated with your progress.

The month by month traffic
and earnings graph?
I am unable to see it.

Haha, good spot...sorry, I completely forgot to upload it lol

I will get on it as soon as possible, but its on the office PC and I am at home now will get it uploaded tomorrow

That's Ok Steve,make sure to upload it tomorrow.

We are really excited to see it :)

Wow, well done to you and what a great experience, which you can also blog about.


Yep everything we do on our trips is blog fodder!

Wow Steve, that's an incredible success story. I bet driving that Lambo was cool. I really liked your imagery and thanks for sharing!


Yeah it really was an incredible drive. A lot things in life are a disappointment...not the lambo, it was every bit as awesome as you would imagine!

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