Premium and an Idea - NewYearsGifts and everything for NY business opp
First of all I am excited of my Premium membership here and this mens I need to find a way to print more stuff, create more sites faster, add new promotions and learn and test as fast as I can.
So I give you an overview of an interesting Endeavour - To create Local Network of Affiliates (Offline local businesses) associated with Celebrations and at first hand upcoming New Year anc CHRISTMASS. It is coming to us - I feel it in the snow, I taste it in the cold flow, and I smell it the breeze of my lovely country. So I decide to take a small but meaningful detour (from a goal of 100 referrals till 31 Dec - cause I need some money to build a great site and promote it fast) and help my town become just a few more funny, colorful at those celebration days and help people to get everything they need for a holiday at a special online store where promotion of local stores and responsive just in time shipment service will be availbale. It is once a year but I will add new product line and celebration services there on other cool holiday throughout a year. YOU CAN do the same and while doing it support their businesses and promote a WA academy and hosting for their employes.
I am not a guru or good expert on everything affiliate - but I will get results of continuous learning sessions and practice 3-4 hours a day. Two suggestions for it:
I. Learn courses while Training Others - first newbees (with advices) than your referrals(via prepared FAQs and materials on your tricks and traits) and Help them make business structure in place while making yours.
II. Build a business team online - beginning from a few freelancers(copywriting, site creation, mobile apps) to experts in niches and outsourse for accounting and contracting and taxes, and of course a network of partners in goods and services to promote and use.
So that can be helpful to speed up a few months of training and affiliate network creation and a nice practise to manage more projects at the same time.
Recent Comments
Congratulations on going Premium!!! You will see that the traini g you can access now has no equal in the whole industry!!
Well done Serg you are very dedicated to it great attitude