Keywords, the key to unlocking many doors
For the past three days I have been grappling with the lesson on keywords. Of all the lessons this is the one that has taken me long to grasp. All the other lessons before this one didn't take me too long to complete but for some strange reason I just couldn't get my head round the idea of keywords. I watched the video three times and it was only on the third attempt (day three) that it all began to make sense for me. I felt so pleased when I finally understood what QSR meant and its importance. Like Kyle says: this is the competition. I have now "made friends with Jaaxy" (Lol) and am enjoying using this tool immensely. I didn't know that one could have this much fun doing keyword searches. To celebrate completing this topic I have put together a little ditty to remind me of the main points:
Keywords, the key to getting ranked in Google, Bing, Yahoo and all other major search engines
Keywords, the key to getting traffic
Keywords, the key to unlocking many doors
Keywords, the key to endless possibilities….
Recent Comments
Hi, do you have a website yet? I'd love to read it and share it because you are a great writer.
Thanks Roland for taking the time to read my blog and for the lovely compliment. I'm still in the process of building my website and will let you know once it's "up and running". I hope to chat with you again soon. Lizzie
You have a great heart Betty! I appreciate the time that you spend responding to people in the WA community.
Thanks Kary for taking the time to read my blog. Good luck with your lessons! I look forward to linking up with you again soon. Lizzie
I feel your pain on this one, I understand certain aspects of it of course but I still have so many questions.
Thanks Carrie for taking the time to read my blog and thanks for the encouraging words. I'm glad I'm not alone. Lizzie
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Keywords give you the way to get a good ranking position in the google, and obviously success.